Chapter Thirty Five: The Galactic Guardians

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When asked about the Q Continuum following her return to Earth, Kathryn Janeway had described it as "A waystation on a desert road". It was a mere manifestation of the Continuum that the Humanoid body and mind could comprehend and understand. For if they arrived at the actual Continuum, they would not be able to comprehend it at all. This first time was used as an example by the Q known as "Quinn" to show how the Q had become bored and apathetic. Not even bothering to talk to one another. The second time showed the Q in an American Civil War, demonstrating how they had split into two waring factions, only for that war to end when a child was conceived. Now this time was different. While Ethan knew that it would be something he wasn't expecting, he certainly wasn't expecting a long beach on a tropical island with Jamaican steel drum music playing and Q everywhere in the form of beachgoers and hotel staff. Behind the beach was a hotel that would've been considered five star back in the old days of Earth. It was ten floors tall and had many balconies across it, looking out at the ocean. Confused and puzzled at what she was seeing, Commander Flores said "This is the home of the Galactic Guardians? A tropical island resort?" Quinlan, who was now dressed only in trunks to show off his macho body nodded and said "Why yes, yes it is." Ethan then crossed his arms, raised his left eyebrow and asked "Just why is that then?" Quinlan then answered "This is merely a manifestation of the Galactic Continuum, one that you should find it easy to understand." Quinlan then pointed over to a beachside bar and said "Now how about a drink?" Quinlan started walking over to the bar and Ethan, T'Vrell, Alisha, Jakoro and Anaya followed suite.

As they walked across the beach they saw many Q looking over at them, surprised at the apparent visitors they saw. As they walked further Ethan's com badge came alive and the voice of Lieutenant Commander Voq asked through it "Rear Admiral respond. Where has the Q taken you?" Ethan pressed his com badge and said "The Q known as "Quinlan" has taken us to the Galactic Continuum where we will meet with the rest of the Galactic Guardians." From the Bridge on the Apollo, Voq said "Alright then Rear Admiral." Voq then looked at Ensign Tal and said "Cancel Red Alert and assume standard protocols." Jodem obliged and deactivated the Red Alert that the Fleet had activated upon the disappearance of their highest ranking officers.

When the away team finally arrived at the bar they found it to be a wooden stand with a thatched roof. There was a Q serving drinks to customers and had made himself look like a handsome man of Caribbean descent. As the away team sat down on the chairs the bartender asked "Can I get you anything?" Ethan declined, saying "No thank you. We're fine." Quinlan then walked into the bar and snapped his fingers, giving himself a bartender uniform. Quinlan then knelt on the table and said "Oh come on. Just a little fun?" Ethan raised his hand in decline and said "No thank you." T'Vrell then asked Quinlan "Now onto our reason for being here?" Quinlan nodded and said "Why yes of course. You people want us to send you home to the Alpha Quadrant immediately. But the question is why should we do that?" Ethan sounded slightly frustrated as he said "I thought you people were more benevolent than the Q?" Quinlan then explained "Well you see Teitoku we are. But we often choose the option that benefits the Galaxy more. For exampled the people of Heiwa will eventually create their own Federation here in the Gamma Quadrant and we also showed a primitive civilisation the truth that their god of justice was in reality an insane war chief from their bronze age and that convinced them to stop executing people just for committing more than five crimes. So we are going to choose what option is best for the Galaxy. For that I take you to court." Quinlan then snapped his fingers again and everything around them changed. No longer were they at a luxurious five star resort, but in a court room that was identical to that of twenty first century Earth and had many Q inside as members of the Jury, lawyers, a probation officer, a court legal advisor and members of the press. A Q sat in a judge chair as the, well, Judge and wore robes and a white full bottom wig. The Judge then banged a gavel on a sound block and said aloud "Hear me, hear me. I am Judge Q and this is the Case of the Gamma Quadrant Exploratory Fleet."

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