Chapter Twenty Six: Crossing the Georgiou Wormhole

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"Captain's Log: Supplemental. We are about to cross the Georgiou Wormhole that will cut ten thousand lightyears off our journey and ten years off our journey as a result. The Wormhole was discovered in 2373 on Star Date 50074.3, the Wormhole was named in honour of the ship that discovered it and was highly unstable. The end that was discovered continuously jumped around, while the other end remained fixed in position. Eventually the jumping end had jumped to ten thousand lightyears away from the fixed end and by then the Veskanans had stabilised the Wormhole, fixing the jumping end in place. We have managed to gain permission to cross it from the New Veskanan Government and we will now be cutting ten years off our journey home."

Assembled on the Bridge was Captain Ethan Rivers, Commander Alisha Flores, Lieutenant Commander Voq, Lieutenant T'Vrell, Lieutenant Toral Laren, Ensign William Jackson, Ensign Jodem Tal and Ada. All of them were looking ahead at the Georgiou Wormhole ahead of them and waiting for Captain Rivers to speak. Ethan got up from his chair, took a few steps forward, turned around to face the Bridge Crew and said "Captain Rivers to all hands. Two years ago we got trapped here in the Gamma Quadrant and have spent those last two years trying to get home. A short time into our journey we met and recruited Ada to our Crew and she has proven to be an instrumental guide to us in these dark times. Thanks to her we became aware of the Wormhole that lays in front of us: The Georgiou Wormhole. By crossing this Wormhole, ten years will be cut from our journey and we will get home much faster. While we do not know what going through this Wormhole at maximum Warp will cause, we do know that this will allow us to see our families much sooner, rather than later. Upon crossing we will finally be able to enter permanent communications with Starfleet and be able to regularly talk to our families back home. While we will not be with them physically, we will still see them every day and we will be able to have a little bit of home with us as we journey home. Speaking of journeying home, now is the time for us to cross the Georgiou Wormhole and cut a potentially terrible ten years off our long journey."

Ethan then got back in his chair and said "Ensign Jackson, take us into the Wormhole at Maximum Warp." William started pressing a few buttons here and there as he said "Aye Captain." Ethan then looked at T'Vrell and said "Shields to maximum T'Vrell." The Apollo then went at Maximum Warp and entered the Georgiou Wormhole. The insides of the Wormhole were colours of bright blue like the Bajoran Wormhole and there were blue bolts of electricity flying everywhere. As they went further through the Wormhole, a Ferengi Shuttle could be seen in the distance and shocked Ethan as he said "How is there a Ferengi Shuttle in here?" T'Vrell launched a scan and said "Captain. The Ferengi Shuttle matches the shuttle used by Arridor and kol, I can confirm that this is the Barzan Wormhole." Ethan almost gasped as he realised that they were travelling through the exact same Wormhole Captain Janeway and the Crew of the U.S.S Voyager had discovered almost forty years prior and said "I don't believe it." In a way they were going through a piece of history. They were going through something that they had heard about only in the history books and they themselves were now making history. Hoping for any information about the Gamma Quadrant that might be on the Shuttle, Ethan looked at T'Vrell and said "T'Vrell, activate the tractor beam and bring that shuttle in." T'Vrell obliged and pulled the shuttle into the shuttlebay using the tractor beam. As the Ferengi Shuttle landed next to one of the Apollo's shuttles several Crewmen rushed towards it to put out the small fire that had emerged on the shuttle's right side. As the fire was put out a male Vulcan saw something through it's window and quickly wiped off the grime. Even though Vulcans had been taught to control their emotions, this Vulcan was clearly shocked by what he was seeing. But a female Human engineer was even more shocked as evident by her screaming in horror and then fainting into her Klingon boyfriend's arms at the sight of two rotting Ferengi corpses.

As the Apollo headed further and further through the Wormhole it was hit by blue bolts of lightning and for a moment Ensign Tal thought he saw another Apollo on the port side. But upon rubbing his non-Borgified left eye and launching a diagnostic of his Borg Implant on his right eye saw that there was nothing. Blue Alert continued to rage on the lights and a ship wide channel as Ethan said "God almighty! I knew that it would be difficult crossing this Wormhole but this!?" Alisha couldn't believe it either and was about to mention how this reminded her of surfing as a child. But then a channel was opened to the Bridge and a Bajoran voice said "Captain. This is Ensign Ro. The Ferengi shuttle has two dead Ferengi inside. We believe them to be Arridor and Kol. The two Ferengi who set themselves up as gods on a primitive planet in the Delta Quadrant before disappearing through the Barzan Wormhole. The very sight of them caused Ensign Regina Puckett to faint. But don't worry Sir. Her Klingon boyfriend Ensign Katogh is taking her to Sickbay." Ethan didn't sound surprised to hear about the Ferengi as he said "Well we did suspect this to be the Barzan Wormhole. We were bound to run into those two con men whether they were dead or alive." Another few blue bolts of lightning hit the Apollo, causing T'Vrell to quickly check her console and say "Captain. Shields are at eighty three percent. By the time we reach the end of the Wormhole they will be at around twenty percent." Ethan sounded confident as he said "Well, then lets hope it stays that way." 

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