Jisoo's Dream

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Jisoo was sitting on the sand.
Rosè and Lisa were splashing about in the bank of the sea.
Jennie and Jin were eating hotdogs together.

It seemed so much fun.
Having fun with her sisters.
Away from Club YG.
They had freedom to do everything.

Jisoo felt someone's breathe on her neck.
She turned back to see Taehyung standing behind her, smirking.
Jisoo immediately sprang up.
Taehyung came closer to her.
Jisoo's mouth wouldn't open but in her mind,she kept telling him to stop.

Then suddenly without any warning, Taehyung started kissing her.
Jisoo tried to push him but she couldn't.

And then Jisoo froze,she looked down and saw that Taehyung had stabbed her with a knife.
He was Smirking again.
"You are mine or no one else's"He said.

Jisoo's eyes were filled with horror as she collapsed on the beach.
Her unnies whom she thought had loved her,were laughing at her dead body with the rest of the BTS.

"Noo!!!"Jisoo screamed and woke up.
Jisoo started panting.
It had just been an nightmare.
Jisoo looked outside her window and saw that it was morning.
"Maybe an daymare if there's such an thing"Jisoo thought.

She got off her bed and drank a glass of water.
She took some deep breaths to calm herself down.

"I don't think this place is safe, I'll have to go inform the others to leave immediately"Jisoo thought.
She then went off to Lisa's room to wake her up as Lisa's room was the closest.

"WAKE UP ROSÈ!!"Jisoo, Jennie and Lisa bellowed together.
Rosè woke up with a jump.
"Are you guys mad!"She yelled.
The others apologised.

"There's something we wanna tell you"Lisa said.
Jisoo cleared her throat loudly.
"Er.. There's something Unnie wants to tell us"Lisa corrected herself.
Jisoo nodded importantly.

"So, I don't think this place is safe neither the boy are safe especially that Taehyung.I think we should leave immediately"Jisoo advised.
"What!Leave this mansion!?And go back to that YG dungeon!?Are you mad!"Rosè said, furiously.

"I know that Club YG overworked us but atleast it's safe in there"Jisoo said.
"You consider that safe?How people stare at us with dirty looks? How people flirt with us?How people mistreat us?"Lisa said,tears coming to her eyes.

"No No,I know that's very wrong but in here,those guys will surely rape us or even kill us"Jisoo said, worriedly.
The others glanced at each other uncomfortably.

"Fine.Let's go"whispered Rosè.
Jisoo smiled and hugged the girls.
Then, slowly the girls crept out of the room and then out of the mansion without being caught since it was only 6am and the boys were sleeping.

Then,They hired a taxi and drove off to the Club.
When the driver asked for money,The girls simply ran away, shouting "Sorry!",as they had no money.
The driver didn't dare enter Club YG so he also drove away.

"Where were you guys?"asked Sana.
"Well,We went to the mafia's house for dinner"said Jennie, embarrassed.
"Wow!What did they give you to eat?"asked Sana.
"A big banquet!It has sooo many things to eat!A chicken piece was covered in gold!And for dessert there were 30 flavours of icecream!"said Rosè, smacking her lips.

"Wow,That would have been amazing "said Sana dreamily.
BLACKPINK giggled and started working.
"What did you have for breakfast?"asked Sana.
"Nothing "sighed Lisa.
"Oh,I had a piece of bread and I gave Nayeon a tomato to eat,I have a bit of stock left,So you guys can take a mango"Sana offered.
"Thank you so much!"The girls said and sliced the mango into 4 pieces.
After eating their mango,They went to work.

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