episode 1.1

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You opened your eyes and were immediately met with the blinding light of the square sun above.

Wait, square?

Maybe you were seeing things because you were still tired. You reached your hand up to rub the sleep from your eyes, and let out a loud yelp at the sight of your arm.

It was now blocky, a rectangle. You didn't really have a hand, just a fist connected to the end of your arm.

You looked down at yourself. Sure enough, the rest of your body was the same way. Flat, smooth surfaces with sharp edges.

You shakily got to your feet and examined your surroundings. Square trees, square leaves, even square dirt. Everything around you was a square made up of little squares. Technically, they were cubes, but you didn't really care about that.

"Hey, are you okay?" someone to your left asked.

You whipped around at the sound of the person's voice. A dark haired girl wearing a red apron and yellow hat was staring at you, a worried look on her face. You did a double-take. It was Olivia. From Minecraft Story Mode.

This wasn't real. You were dreaming. Yeah, that was it. You had fallen asleep on your couch in your apartment, and this was a dream. Did this mean you could lucid dream now? To test your theory, you poked a blocky finger into your other hand. It didn't pass through.

Oh shit. This was real.

"Hello?" Olivia asked again.

You looked at her. What were you supposed to say? That you were from another world, but now you were stuck in this one? She would think you crazy for sure. "I'm fine," you said after a really long pause.

"Are you sure? You fell out of that tree and it seemed like you hit your head pretty hard."

"I'm fine," you reassured her, though you weren't quite sure you believed the statement.

She nodded, seemingly satisfied. She stuck out her hand. "I'm Olivia, by the way."

"I — I'm (Y/N)." You had almost said "I know" in response to her name, but caught yourself in time to avoid an awkward situation.

"So, is there a reason why you were in that tree?" she asked you.

"Oh, I decided to take a nap. I've been traveling by foot for a while, and I'm tired. The tree seemed like a good spot to rest." While the first sentence was based on fact, the rest of it was just you pulling shit out of your ass and hoping it stuck.

She seemed to buy it. "Where you headed to?" she asked as she started walking. You fell into step beside her.


"Really? My friends and I are going too. Are you planning to enter the building competition?"

"You know, I actually wanted to, but I don't have anyone to build with."

"Maybe you could join my team," she said. "I mean, if Axel and Jesse are okay with it, that is." She squinted and shielded her eyes from the sun. "I think that's them in the distance. Let's go ask them."

She picked up her pace. You stalled for a moment, allowing yourself a grin. Who knew years of lying to your parents would finally pay off?

Axel, Jesse, and Reuben were waiting for you two — well, Olivia — in a clearing.

Axel spotted you two first. "What took you so — who're they?" He squinted his eyes at you suspiciously.

"Axel, Jesse, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), Axel and Jesse. And Reuben," she added after the pig squealed loudly at her.

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