episode 2.3

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"Wow, someone really went bonkers with the defenses, huh?"

You, Axel, and Magnus were standing outside of the temple of the Order of the Stone. At the entrance, someone had built a complex-looking red stone contraption.

You all dropped down and walked to the entrance, but stopped when a creeper came from out of nowhere, hissing. Suddenly, three arrows were embedded into it. It collapsed and disappeared in little puffs of smoke.

"Who goes there?" a familiar voice asked. "Oh, (Y/N), is that you?"

You grinned. "Hey, Lukas. Did you build all this?"

He seemed embarrassed. Scratching the back of his neck, he said, "Well, yeah. I thought I would try to fortify the place, y'know?"

"Looks great."

"I'm so glad you're back!"

"And we brought Magnus!"

"Fantastic! Just wait, I'll let you guys in." He disappeared from the balcony.

As you walked over to the iron door, you caught Magnus looking at you, an eyebrow raised.

"What?" you asked, confused.

He didn't say anything, only raising his eyebrow a little higher and glancing to where Lukas had just been.

You realized the message he was trying to convey and you couldn't stop the small smile that crept up on your face. "Don't say anything," you threatened in a low voice, eyes quickly darting to Axel to make sure he wasn't watching your interaction. Thankfully, he wasn't.

Lukas opened the door. "Quick. C'mon. You guys are never gonna believe who showed up while you were gone."

Leaning against a wall, not too far away from the entrance, was Gabriel.

"Told you we're besties," you whispered to Magnus.

He rolled his eyes.

"Hello, everyone," Gabriel said. "It is good to see you."

"He showed up not too long before you guys," said Lukas.

"Magnus, my old friend."

"You always were a tough cookie to keep down." Magnus tackled Gabriel in a tight hug, even lifting him up off the ground. He let go and laughed.

"It's good to see you."

"It's good to see you, too, you old meathead."

"How did you escape?" you asked Gabriel. With the Nether portal having been destroyed, you'd had little faith that anyone could've avoided the destructiveness of the wither storm.

"If Jesse hadn't pulled me out of the wither storm's clutches . . . Well, let's just not think about that." He turned and walked down the hall. You followed, eager for an explanation. "I came here to the temple, hoping against hope to find other survivors. It makes me glad that even in these terrible times, this temple can stand as a stronghold, a symbol."

"Do you know if Petra made it out too?"

"All that creature left in its wake was bedrock. All those people, your friend Petra, none of them could get away."

Your heart sank at his words, even though you knew Petra was still alive. You felt like she had always been there for you as a child, herself and this game always being able to cheer you up.

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