episode 3.3

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Jesse pushed the door open, creeping into the room. Olivia chose to walk the same way. You, however, didn't want to look like the gremlin you were and decided not to hunch your shoulders.

The room was big. Chests and furnaces were everywhere. The back wall was made out of purple-stained glass so you could look out into the End. Bookcases and potions lined the walls while blocks of redstone were randomly placed about. The music that had been playing slowly faded as someone started to speak.

"And I call that one Symphony in E." The person chuckled. "A new composition to celebrate my newest discovery!"

"That's him!" Olivia exclaimed. You raised an eyebrow. Was this man just out here talking to himself?


You all raced over to the source of the voice, which just turned out to be a note block. It was just a recording. Others like it were hung in frames above the note block

"It's just a recording!" Jesse said, frustrated.

"After all that, he's not even here?" Olivia said. "We came all this way, and for what?"

"The record couldn't have turned on by itself," you said. "Soren must be here."

"Good point. I guess he really likes the sound of his own voice, then."

"Maybe there's something useful in this record," Jesse suggested. "If I can figure out what he's talking about . . . " His voice drifted off to a murmur as he faced the note block again and examined it.

"I've worked up a simple set of building instructions to inspire them," Soren's voice continued. "I will disguise myself and hide among them in order to observe them more closely."

"Hide among them?" Jesse questioned. "Hide among who?"

"Among us," you answered immediately, laughing at your own joke because you were the funniest person you knew.

He shot you a confused look.

"Uh, guys, do you think Soren is talking about them?" She pointed at the glass wall. Outside of it, dozens upon dozens of Endermen stood. "Then again, everything else about this guy has been pointing to crazy."

"No way that's what he means, that's nuts!"

"You heard that recording," Olivia argued against him. "He's trying to get them to build!"

"You think he's actually training Endermen to build stuff?"

"I think he thinks he's training Endermen to build stuff."

"Let's look around," Jesse said. "See what we can find out."

You walked over to the note block and the discs hanging above it. You picked one at random and read its title. "Calls of the Endermen?" You placed it inside the note block and let it play.

Soren began by clearing his throat, then went on to make strange, guttural noises. Disturbed, you were quick to swap it out with some actual music.

"Hey, guys, check this out," Jesse called. He was standing in front of two armor stands. The taller one was empty. The shorter one, however, still had an Enderman costume on it.

"An Enderman suit?" Olivia asked. "Either Soren's got a very unique fashion sense or — Wait a second!" A realization struck her.

"Looks like a taller one was hanging there, but it's missing," he said.

"Because Soren's wearing it." You stepped closer to the glass trying to see the fake Enderman.

"This is the disguise he was talking about!" she exclaimed.

"You mean . . . "

"In order to walk amongst the Endermen you have to become an Enderman."

"Which one of us is gonna go out there and find Soren?" you asked, turning back to face them.

They both quickly glanced at each other, then back at you before they both placed a finger on the side of their nose and declared: "Not it."

You gasped out of betrayal as you realized what they were thinking. "No, guys, please don't make me put this thing on! Do you know how gross it probably smells?" You actually sniffed the costume, the gagged. "It reeks!" It wasn't as bad as you were making it out to be, but you really did not want to wear the costume.

"Come on, (Y/N)!" Olivia urged. "We have to find Soren!"

"And how am I supposed do that? Go up to every Enderman and ask if they're Soren?"

"Soren wants to teach the Endermen how to build something, so do that."

"With what? I don't have anything."

"I found these in a chest." She handed you a blueprint and five blocks of clay. "Now go put on your costume." She lightly pushed you in the direction of it.

Realizing you didn't have a way out, you pulled the Enderman costume off of the armor stand and onto yourself.

"I look so stupid," you muttered after you pulled the fake Enderman head over your own.

"No, you don't." Olivia tried to reassure you, but you shot her a look that said Be fucking for real.

"Well, uh, good luck out there," Jesse said.

"I'm gonna kill both of you." You walked over to the iron doors and exited the room.

You stared at the sea of Endermen in front of you. You were kind of scared. I mean, who wouldn't be when they're about to try to infiltrate a swarm of Endermen?

"Oh shit," you cursed under your breath, mainly to just get it out of your system.

One of the Endermen appeared to have heard you, however, because its head suddenly snapped towards you. It stalked over and bent over you so you were face to face. You made the stupid choice to keep eye contact with it. It bent back up and walked away.

That was weird. You shook the encounter off and made your way through the mob, searching for a crafting table. You ended up stumbling across not a crafting table, but a three-by-three grid. This was probably what Soren wanted the Endermen to build on.

You pulled out the blueprint. In the left column, three blocks had to be placed. Two more were to be added laced next to the bottom one in the bottom row. Then, a sixth and final block had to be in the top right corner.

You got to work, quickly constructing the simple build. However, you were only able to fill five of the six required spots before you ran out of clay.

"Um . . . " You stood there, unsure of what to do when you spotted an Enderman carrying a block of clay.

Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me.

You stomped over to the Enderman and practically ripped the block of clay from its arms. It shrieked at you as you made your getaway back to the grid. You placed the last block.

You stepped back. Okay, Soren, where the hell are you?

Suddenly, there was a screech from behind you. You whipped around to see an Enderman towering over you. Even though its face was expressionless, you could tell it was pissed. More and more teleported to you, surrounding you.

You backed up until the backs of your knees hit the clay.

"I am sorry about this," someone apologized, "but it has to look real."

Your eyes widened as one of the Endermen raised their fist and struck you. Everything went black.


Dun dun dunnn

Ok so this is really short but I thought this was the best place to end it. The next chapter should be longer.

Also two updates in one day after not updating in a month? I'm just so great aren't I? (sarcasm)

Also also thank you to everyone who has read this book. It's at 3.75k reads and that's just so amazing to me bc I thought no one would read it. So thank you.

Hope you have a great day/night :)

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