episode 2.2

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"This is the Deathbowl!"

You were standing on the ground, surrounded by tall buildings that had yet to be destroyed by the griefers. To your left, there was a pit of lava.

People clamored up makeshift stands as Magnus spoke, cheering as they did so. You had barely been able to make it to the arena without being chased.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlegriefers to the Deathbowl!" a man in a suit with a white mask announced. His voice was booming, bouncing off of the towering buildings around you. "In one corner, we have Magnus, your king of Boomtown, prepared to defend his title and crown!"

Magnus waved to the crowd as his adoring fans cheered for him. Even Axel was clapping and hooting along.

You gave him a look.

"What?" he asked. "It's Magnus, how could I not cheer for him?"

Speaking of the devil, he turned around and walked towards you. "So, Tiny, welcome to the Deathbowl." You raised your eyebrow at the nickname, but let him continue uninterrupted. "The grief-off to end all grief-offs." He stepped closer and dropped his voice so only you could hear him. "How do you wanna fake this?"

"We'll start off small," you began, already having put some thought into this. "Then, I'll throw some TNT at you. Just let it graze you, then we call it a finish, all right?"

"Okay, something about TNT," he responded. "Awesome!" He backed away.

"Sweet Jesus," you muttered.

"And you!" The announcer quickly walked over to you. "What name do you go by?"

"(Y/N)," you told him. You decided to just go with your name. Anything else you could think of was just cringey and embarrassing.

"Just (Y/N)?"

"Yeah, like Zendaya."

He seemed a little disappointed by your lack of creativity in your name, but nonetheless shouted, "All right, folks, give a big, Deathbowl welcome to (Y/N)!"

To your surprise, their were a few cheers from the people in the crowd. Though, you suspected they were cheering more for the start of the Deathbowl than you.

"And let's begin!" He gestured for you and Magnus to meet in front of him. "Opponents will craft their own griefing towers which they will then use to grief each other! The only rule is — "

"That there are no rules!" someone in the crowd yelled, earning a few laughs from other spectators.

"No eye poking!" the announcer finished. Cue the boos from the crowd. "Other than that, go crazy! Seriously."

You gave Magnus what you hoped was a confident smile. The way he had been intensely staring at you during the announcer whole spiel had you feeling nervous. It was suddenly hitting you that you were about to face the beat griefer in the world.

"(Y/N), get your building material, and Magnus, you — "

"Nah," he said casually, "I'm good. Brought my own supply."

"Let the griefing begin!"

You and Magnus walked over to your respective sides. There were three open chests, so you could see what was inside them. Wood, stone, and pink wool.

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