episode 5.1

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The moment Ivor informed you of a possible temple hidden away in a jungle, you immediately suggested that you go find it. Jesse had seconded that idea, and now here you were, in a creepy ass jungle at night, about to find the object that you hoped would have the power to send you back home.

But did you want to go back home?

The thought had been plaguing you for days on end, ever since Jesse defeated the wither storm. The more you looked around, the more you realized that this world was a lot nicer than the one you called home.

Back in your world, you were a not-quite-broke college student whose family couldn't care less about you. You wondered what it was like with you gone.

Were you still lying on your couch in a permanent comatose state until you finally got back? Was your body gone entirely? Were you considered missing? Did you even exist in that world anymore; were you now a permanent resident of this one?


You were abruptly pulled from your thoughts by an arrow embedding itself into the tree you were hiding behind. You shook your head and unsheathed your — now enchanted — diamond sword to block another arrow that was heading straight for your face.

You wasted no time in throwing your sword at the skeleton. It died on impact, bones floating in the air after the smoke had cleared. You walked over and picked up your sword, spinning around and slicing off the head of a creeper that had not-so-subtly crept up on you.

You spotted the golden flash of Petra's sword Miss Butter, and ran over to help her and Jesse. A spider leapt at him from behind, but you impaled it with your sword and slammed it against the ground, killing it.

"Hey, Jesse, check this out!" The three of you turned to see Axel holding two zombies in a headlock. He grunted as he said, "Three, two, one — POP!" and squeezed the zombies so hard they died. "Pretty cool, right?" He flexed his biceps, grinning. "You can try it too if you — "

A shout from Jesse cut him off. Jesse ran at the zombie that was beginning to sneak up behind Axel. Axel bent over slightly so Jesse could use his back like a springboard. He slammed into the zombie, sending it flying back into the stone wall of the temple.

"Dude, you're getting pretty good at this," Axel said. They high-fived.

"You guys are working way too hard." Olivia's voice made you look over to where she had set up a wall of dispensers. She bumped it with her elbow, and arrows shot out of them, knocking down an incoming horde of mobs.

"You're always looking to one up us, aren't you?" Jesse grinned, lazily flipping his sword around to stab the zombie that was limping up behind him.

"That is one seriously cool temple," he said as he sheathed his sword and took a couple towards it.

The stone bricks and cobblestone were old, moss-ridden and cracked. The wood planks were mismatched and instead of an actual door it was just a hole in the wall. The place was lit up by a few torches, but that was it.

"Yeah," Petra agreed, "points for Ivor, I guess. This was a good tip."

"Well, Jesse?" Olivia prompted.

"Order of the Stone," Jesse began, "let's go get some treasure."


You ran into the temple only to be greeted with not treasure. The others expressed their disappointment with groans, but you had known that nothing would be on the first floor anyways.

"So much for treasure," Petra grumbled. "This cupboard is bare."

"Come on, you know how these places work," Jesse told her. "The treasure is never just out in the open. Let's fan out and search the place."

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