episode 5.3

413 22 5

You peered over the ledge of the small chunk of dirt you were standing on. There was nothing but the clouds. Ivor appeared next to you suddenly and joined you until he was nearly pushed over the edge when Jesse fell from the sky. Thankfully, the two of you had quick reflexes. Jesse grabbed into Ivor's wrist, and you locked onto Jesse's shoulders, helping to tug the man back onto the small patch of land.

"You are surprisingly heavy," Jesse told Ivor in between deep breaths.

"I am — the proportionate weight — for my height! Thank you very much!"

"There you go. Easy now." Lukas walked over and patted Ivor on the back.

"Yes, thank you." Ivor threw his hand off his shoulder.

"Any sign of the Blaze Rods?" Jesse asked, kneeling down and looking over the edge.

"No, nothing," Petra told him.

"Do you think Aiden knew about all this? The portal? The Eversource?"

You shook your head. "I doubt he'd be able to find it on his own or with Maya and Gil."

"He definitely seems to know now," Ivor grumbled, stalking off.

"Hey, uh, you guys see that?" You walked over to the side where Jesse stood, opposite of the one you were just at. Below you, a massive city floated in the air.

"So very strange," Ivor murmured, standing next to you.

"It looks like some kind of city. It's incredible."

Ivor started to jump up and down with joy. "That's it! That's where it must be! The Eversource."

"A city in the clouds," Petra said. "It almost sounds impossible."

"I just don't know how we're gonna reach it," Lukas pointed out.

"Yeah, that's definitely gonna be a problem."

"I can't believe this. We fall through a portal into another world, and then we can't even go anywhere."

"Okay, people, you know the drill," Jesse began, "what did you guys bring with you?"

"That's my private business," Ivor snapped.

"Didn't exactly bring a whole lot," Lukas admitted. "Why?"

"Because we're building a bridge, and it'll take everything we have."

"I don't know. Seems like a long way. Do we have enough blocks? I mean, it's really, really far."

"Don't be such a worry wart, Lukas, I got this."

"We could dig up the island," you suggested.

Ivor nodded in agreement. "I think this island is more than large enough for our needs."

"Yeah, if we dig up this entire island, we should have enough to get us over there," Jesse said.

You dug up the dirt until the only thing remaining of the island was four blocks of dirt that the five of you were struggling to stay on. You were in the middle, so if somebody were to fall off, at least it wouldn't be you.

"Stop pushing!" Ivor snapped.

"I'm not pushing!" Petra argued. "Lukas is pushing!"

"I'm just trying to keep away from the edge."

"It's all edge!"

"Okay, gang, I think that should do it," Jesse interrupted. "Let's make a bridge."

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