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Ryan's POV

"Why is this sudden meeting now???"

"I heard that he is again involved in some kind of scandal."

"Yes, yes I know he is everywhere on news channel. Some of my friends send me the article involving his news."

"Yeah. I heard that too."

"He can't keep it to himself and then he appeared on every news channel. And then as always he will shout at us."

"Yes . I know."

"But apart from that did you look how handsome he is even in those sudden scandalous photos. It's very obvious that he will get any model all for and from what I heard That model must fall for him hard. "

"But he will just use her like every time. He does this kind of things all time. After all he is player."

I can hear everyone murmuring this in meeting room. Enough is enough. How dare they talk about all these when I am literally here. In front of them. I bang my hand loudly on the table.

"Shut up everyone. "

"Shit sorry sir we didn't mean to offend you."

"I know that each one of you has seen the news and articles but I don't want anyone discussing about this at all. I want that news down within 2 hours. Ms. Hope my company pays you for keeping things like these within us only. "

Ms Hope just startled due to my loud voice. I know this is her not fault at all but If I don't raise my voice, they just don't take things seriously. She is head of PR management in our company since last 2 years and if I say it correctly, she handled all these things perfectly. Maybe she thinks I am all that type of person which is shown on all these sites but seriously I don't give any importance to it at all

"Yes sir. "

"Okay then the meeting is done."

"But I have one problem Mr. Ryan."

This time Mr. LEE start to talk. He is the old member of holding group. He always wanted higher position in company but he never got that.

Everyone knows that he always makes people angry about me. He hates me and that is why I keep many decisions secret from him.

"What it is Mr. Lee. You must have something nice to say about it now?"

"Yes, actually this paparazzi condition is not new to face by PR team. And every time this happens because of your fault. So why don't you keep your affairs up to you only."

I can see smirk on his face. Everyone looks at me for answer. I keep all anger inside me and just smile

"Look Mr Lee this company pays you every month some amount. And your amount is absolutely double than you do work here. The payment is just to do your job which I said and not to keep your nose in between my job. Got it?"

I just left the room in anger. They must be talking about my anger issues and all but I have to keep them in line like this only.

I come into my room and Josh followed me in hurry.

"Look Ryan."

"Seriously Josh don't you have any other work??? Just do your job and leave now. I don't want to talk with you right now."

I put all my anger in scolding him. But he knows me. He knows my every move my every step. He just makes me sit on my chair and pour water in my glass.

"I will go but just have this water once."

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