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Charlotte’s POV

It literally took me some moments to accept what Hope just said. I look at Hope then to Daph then back to Hope and finally to Mr. Ryan. Daph is hugging Mr. Ryan from side and now I can clearly see that they are siblings. So that is how they both know each other so so well.

“Hey, Charlie. I know you are shock by these. But we were supposed to keep it secret for some time and that is why I didn’t tell you OK. But now after today’s night of us as friends I just want to tell you this. I don’t want to lie to the dearest people.”

I look at both of them and I am getting more and more guiltier by every second passing. Hope sensed that and she decides to just change the subject for right now.

“We are okay Daph. But right now, let’s enjoy the night.” By just saying that she dragged everyone into dancing. But I am surely not in the mood at all. I look at all of them enjoying their night. Hope is so drunk that she literally forgot that she is dancing with her boss and most importantly with Josh. I can clearly see from his face that he is enjoying dancing with her a lot.

Daph is also dancing with some random boy like there is no tomorrow. I can see Mr. Ryan’s eyes are on hi. Just one wrong move with his sister and he is going to beat him to death. He is not dancing actually he is just standing their listening to the music. Suddenly his eyes stop on me and he start to look at me intentionally. It was like he wanted to come near me and ask for dance. No what I am even thinking! Why would he want to dance with me at all.

”Hey!” someone whisper in my ears.

“OH my God josh! You gave me heart attack. Why is everyone whispering in my ear today?”

“No Charlie actually we are talking normally but you were so engrossed in your thoughts that it is just like a panic attack to you.” I look at him sincerely and he start to laugh on that.

“Shut up Josh.” I look at him with annoying face and my mind again force my eyes in the direction of Mr. Ryan, some girl is dancing with him now. She is wearing black tight dress shorter to her mid thighs. She is literally clinging to him like he is some tree. He looks at me from there and again start to dance with her. What the hell is he doing? And if he is really enjoying that why he is looking at me in between.

No Charlie. You are just thinking all this in your head. And he is your boss for god’s sake man!!!! Just get over these thoughts. I look at him again and he is not there. The girl is dancing with some another man now.

“I am too much curious right now.”

I look at josh and he is looking at me with smile on his face. Although I am having many thoughts in my head right now, I am curious to know what he is curious about.
“About what??”

“What is exactly going on to these little head of yours?” With that he starts to laugh out loud.

“Nothing like that okay.”

“Oh please! Just look at your face girl. You are drowned in various thoughts.”

“No you are just overthinking. But no wait Josh actually you are right I can’t think anything more that the lies I am saying in these days. Just to keep one lie I have to tell another 100 lies. And I swear Josh I am not like this.”

“I know I know Charlie. This lie is eating you from inside. I think we should just tell Ryan everything. We will tell him everything tomorrow.”

I look at him and again look into the direction where Mr. Ryan was some time back. I don’t know where he is exactly but I need to find him right now.

“Not tomorrow Josh. I need to tell him right now. I don’t care if he tells me to resign right now but I just want to tell the truth. I don’t care what he thinks but I cannot live like that. In all these burdens I am feeling suffocated.”

“Okay okay I know you are right. But are you sure this is the right time?”

“Yes, I will be back in minutes.”
I just walk in the direction of exit. Josh was telling me something but his voice just vanished in the loud music. As soon as I tell my boss everything this whole heaviness will be gone. Most probably I am going to ne unemployed from today but that is okay because lying is surely not my thing. And also this little feelings which is making havoc in my system by looking at that man will also vanish. I open the club door and cold breeze bombard on my face. I hug myself tight to lightly keep me warm and start to look for Mr. Ryan.

There he is! He is standing in some distance talking on phone with someone. I run towards him and stand behind him. He is really too much tall for my 5’2 height. By the time I reach there he removes that phone from his ear and start to scroll screen on his mobile. Yes! This is the right time Charlie. And do not look into his eyes. I just bend my head down.

“Hello Mr. Ryan. Yes, I know you must be shocked that why I am here talking to you but actually this time the reason is that serious. I lied to you! No actually I just panicked that day at your home and said that I don’t know you. But its quite contrary because I know you, I have seen you many times at Ryan enterprises as I work there only. Yes Mr. Ryan I work in your company and I am very ashamed for hiding this truth for these last 3 days but I am okay if you want my resignation. I will give it to you tomorrow because I was planning to tell you the truth tomorrow but today after meeting you and Daph I just can’t continue lying to you both.”

I wait after that to hear some voice. No. nothing. I waited for another 10 seconds but still nothing. Finally, I look upward and he is not there. He has walked some distance from me. I walk up to him and make him turn backwards and holy shit!!! Its not him. This is some other guy with Bluetooth in his ears.

“What are you doing here?” someone ask me from behind and this familiar voice. I turn backwards and there he is! The most handsome man in these starry lights. Daph is completely drunk clinging to him. Hope and josh is also laughing about something that they even have no idea.

“What are you talking with this person?” he asks me in such an authorative tone that I got confused.

“Let it go bro. why are you so jealous?” Daph ask him in drunken tone. Mr. Ryan and I both startle at that.

“What are you saying Daph? I am just asking her because of general security. Why will I care?”

He just left me at behind and take Daph with him in their car. Josh also takes hope in his car and ask me to come with them. I am so tired with this whole dram I sit behind back sit of his car. I look for his car but he is not there. I don’t know but he looks damn angry.

“So, Charlie did you talk with him?” josh ask me from front.

“UMM no.” I don’t even want to listen anything now. Josh asks me again something but this time I didn’t reply back. I just let my eyes relax.

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