On the Road

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5 o' clock sharp rolled around faster than expected!

"Trina! Trina, I'm going to be late  for the camping trip" Tori said, exasperated, stomping up the stairs for the third time

"Gosh Tori! Give me a break, I'm doing my hair, then I have to get my perfume, then finish up the wing on my eyeliner..."

"Trina, I could walk there faster than all that will take. Why do you have to do all that anyways? You're just dropping me off in the parking lot" asked Tori

Trina pointed with her eyeliner in hand, "Beck! Beck's off the market now and he's going to be mine!"

Tori rolled her eyes, "Okay whatever, can we please get going? Please, I'm literally begging you"

"You're fine, they won't leave without you" Trina huffed

Tori sighed, trying to think of something that would make her stubborn sister budge, "You should go natural, Trina. I bet Beck would appreciate it. Be yourself"

Trina widened her eyes, "You're right! Okay let's go"

Tori's jaw dropped, seeing her sister with one eye completely done up and the other eye with no makeup on at all, "I...ummm...okay" Tori faltered, following behind her

Trina slipped into some pink slippers and got in the car as Tori got in the passenger seat

There was never a dull moment with Trina around...ever

Trina played her car radio loud as Tori looked out the window, trying to drown out her sister to no avail.

After what felt like forever but was in reality only a couple minutes, Trina pulled in the parking lot and skidded to a stop in front of Tori's group of friends.

"Thanks for the ride! Alright I'll just get out of the car now" Tori said, quickly grabbing her bags, trying to make a run for it

Trina waved her arms, "Wait, no! Let me say hi to Beck!" the very confident girl rolled down her car window and called out, "Hi Beck!!"

The dark-haired boy nodded casually at her.

Tori tried to get over to her friends as quick as possible, "Who's driving? Start up the car!"

"I'll get it started" Beck said

Andre nudged him, "I call shotgun!"

"Wait Beck! Come back for me, okay? I'll still be here when you get back!" Trina called out, longingly

"I know you will, Trina. You always are" Beck remarked flashing a fake smile

Robbie started tugging Cat towards the car as she waved bye to Trina.

"Cat, make sure he comes back to me!" Trina shouted, desperately

Cat replied in her daydreamy daze, "Kay-kay!"

Beck shut the door behind him and locked it for...extra precautions even though Trina was already driving out of the lot. Andre sat besides him and the rest of the friends were in the back. Cat and Robbie made themselves comfy in the two middle seats leaving Tori and Jade together in the very back two seats. Tori was surprised Jade hadn't uttered a snarky remark about it yet.

"Alright let's take off! I get first call of music for the first half hour cause I'm driving" decided Beck as he dialed the radio up

"That's hardly fair, it's only an hour ride there" reminded Robbie, pushing his glasses up higher on his nose

Beck shrugged, "That's how it rolls when you're the driver"

A deep voice replied, "Well then I'm hoping you drive off a cliff"

The Camping Trip: A Jori StoryWhere stories live. Discover now