Boiled over

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At first Jade was in shock, but after the shock of Tori kissing her set in, Jade slowly started kissing her back, her heart was pounding so hard, she was scared it would just jump out of her chest. 

Jade never got that nervous with Beck but having Tori kiss her was terrifying, it was like all her walls were getting torn down and there was nothing she could to stop it. But she didn't even want it to stop either

She put both of her hands on Tori's waist underwater and started kissing her deeper, communicating she liked her too

Once they took a breath between their kiss, Tori giggled and put her hand on Jade's cheek causing Jade to break out into a huge smile

"So you like me?" Tori asked, coyly

"Wasn't it obvious?" purred Jade

Jade couldn't believe it was this really happening? Tori's chestnut brown eyes met hers, Jade could see right through Tori, she felt a soul-connection with her that was deep. So deep that Jade knew she could get lost in it. She knew she could get so entangled with being with Tori and never get out. Did she want that? She was starting to think she did

But taking Tori down with her...

Jade pulled her hands away from Tori and mumbled, "I umm I gotta go"

Tori asked, baffled, "Wait what? Where are you going?"

"Back to camp, we got our pictures" Jade said quietly as she pulled herself up out of the river

"Okay what the heck? No, stop!" exclaimed Tori, the blissful feeling in her stomach turning into rage faster than she could comprehend

"Did you just tell me stop?" asked Jade, shaking off her jacket over the grass

Tori pulled herself out of the river as well and walked over to Jade, "Yes, I did. What the heck was that?"

Jade shrugged, "You tell me"

Tori laughed bitterly, "You know what? This isn't fair, Jade. Lately I've been thinking, 'wow maybe the reason she's always acted like such a jerk to me is because there's some tension between us that needs resolved. And maybe that tension is..." Tori shook her head, knowing tears were threatening to fall, "Forget it. You never liked me, you never cared about me. I should have known this, I've always been just a game to you and now this is added on top of it"

Jade stopped ringing out her jacket and sighed, "Tori, come on..."

Tori interrupted, "No, Jade! Listen to me for once. You hate me, you've made it very clear multiple times and I just want to know why. And now you've made it obvious you don't like me like that and I made a fool out of myself so I don't know what we're doing anymore" 

Jade wanted to break down and cry. She wanted to tell Tori she's sorry. So sorry for everything. It was never Tori's fault that Jade couldn't handle her own feelings but she always took it out on Tori anyways.

Jade said, shakily, "Look, I never hated you..."

Tori crossed her arms, "Really? You tried to poison me Jade, you drove me out to a desert with a shovel, you ruined my prom, you ruined multiple of my productions actually, you always made of fun of me and I'm just bringing all this up now because...I guess I was hoping there was a reason you did all that. I thought there was a chance you felt the same way about me and that was why you were acting that way"

Jade stepped closer, "That's because I do. I suck at feelings, just act Beck. When you first got to Hollywood Arts I, a crush or whatever on you. It made me angry and confused because I was suppose to like Beck, and I did. I loved Beck but with you it was different"

Tori tilted her head, very curious 

Jade continued, "And look, I'm not gonna make excuses, okay? I acted like a bitch, I know that. But I never would have actually hurt you. Your medical records said you get a puffy face from bush daisies nothing life-threatening or extremely painful would have happened, and I ruined your productions and made fun of you because I was immature I'll admit it. I was also extremely immature when I I drove you out to the desert to scare you. I would've just chased you around with the shovel, i wouldn't have actually done anything to you"

Tori remarked back, coldly, "Well that's good to know"

Jade sighed, "I shouldn't have kissed you back because all it did was lead you on. I just couldn't resist it. I really like you but I can't be with you, we could never be together"

Tori closed her eyes for a second and took a deep breath, "Okay"

Jade tried to stay strong but her voice was already breaking out into a whimper, "Tori it's just you're such an amazing, bubbly, incredible person. And I'd be so bad for you. I'm a deeply messed up person and you deserve somebody way better than me, trust me."

A tear rolled down Tori's cheek and Jade hated it, she never wanted to see Tori cry muchtheless actually be the one to make her cry.

Tori said in barely a whisper, "Okay Jade"

Jade pursed her lips, "So that's all you're gonna say? I just opened up my entire heart to you"

Tori  ventured, "That's sweet what you just said about me, Jade. And I'll treasure those words forever. It's just- I don't know what else to say. It's like you don't even want to give us a chance. Shouldn't I be the one to decided for myself what's good for me?"

Jade pointed out, "But don't you see? You're already crying and we aren't even dating. I don't even want to imagine the kind of pain I would put you through if we started dating. I would just break your heart"

"How? How exactly would you do that?" Tori pressed

Jade shook her head and whimpered, "I don't know! But I'm a mess and messes follow me where I go. Just stay away from me, please" She grabbed her phone and then took off towards the campsite

Tori looked around at the scenery surrounding her. She tried focusing on the sweet flowers bordering the river by the waterfall and the birds preening their feathers on the overhead branches. But her mind was stuck on Jade and what had just happened. It didn't feel real yet the tingling sensation Jade left on her lips was still there and so were the tears on her cheeks.

Tori sat back against a tree and got on her phone. She dialed up her best friend.

 "Hey Andre" she said when he answered

"Tori! Hey, what's up? Did you and Jade find the waterfall yet? Beck and I found one! We're on our way back to the campsite now" said Andre

"Yeah we did. Hey, could you meet me somewhere before we go to the campsite? I really need to talk to you"

"Of course. Is Jade there with you? Did you want to talk alone?" asked Andre

"I just wanted to talk to you. Jade is on her way back towards the campsite" Tori replied, twirling a strand of her still-wet hair on her finger

Andre assured, "Absolutely. I'll be right over. Turn on your location on your phone and i'll meet up with you"

"Thank you so much, Andre" Tori said, appreciatively 

"Anytime, Tori, anytime"

The Camping Trip: A Jori StoryWhere stories live. Discover now