A Walk Through the Woods

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Jade and Tori wandered off deeper into the forest to find wherever this 'nature lodge' place may be.

"Well, this is certainly an adventure! I wonder how this will improve our acting skills anyways. Y'know Sikowitz always comes up with these crazy ideas but they always end up making sense in the end" Tori chattered as she kicked a pebble with the tip of her shoe

"Why do you think he did it?" asked Tori after she got no response from Jade from her last previous comments

"Probably to torture me" Jade muttered

"Come on, Jade! Remember what we literally just talked about?"

"I know what we talked about it was my idea, remember?" retorted Jade

Tori countered, "It most certainly was not! You would have..."

"Oh what would I have done?" "If you..." "Well then..."

As the girls started arguing over each other suddenly a twig snapped in the distance along with some rustling of leaves causing the girls to quickly get quiet.

"What was that?" asked Tori, nervously

"Why are you asking me?" Jade asked, annoyed

The rustling came again yet no animal was in sight. There were trees and bushes everywhere...it could be from anywhere...

Tori held on to Jade's arm without thinking, "Jade, what do we do?" 

Jade replied calmly, "Let's just keep walking and stay together okay?"

Tori nodded

"No matter what, we stay together" Jade said more firmly,  "We definitely don't want to be alone out in these woods especially once it's nightfall. God, this was such a stupid idea. What the hell is wrong with Sikowitz?" 

Tori let go of Jade's arm but still stayed close to her as they walked along more, "Like I said before, this will all make sense later like his other assignments"

Jade tilted her head and asked in confusion, "Which assignments are you talking about anyways?"

Tori reminded, "Like that daaa... playdate! The playdate that he arranged for us"

Jade noticed her heart started racing at the memory, "Yeah so?"

"It made us better friends! We got to have on-stage chemistry after that and at first I thought he was crazy for that!" Tori chuckled

Jade envied how carefree Tori felt about all that. How did that night not destroy her emotions like it did to Jade? Nothing made sense anymore after that night. Their 'date' felt like a huge tease, a taste of something that Jade felt she could never actually have. It was so close yet so far away and that was what made it the worst yet best night of her life. 

"Jade?" Tori asked, getting Jade out of her head

"That's me" Jade replied, sharply

"Do you not remember that night?" asked Tori

Jade groaned, "My gosh, Vega. Yes I remember that night! I don't remember it changing that much in our lives though"

Tori smirked, "Oh really?" she took a deep breath and pranced in front of Jade then turned to her and started singing, "Why am I alway hit on by..."

Jade said in a dead-panned voice, "No, don't do that" while walking right past her

Tori laughed, "Come on, I was trying to spark up your memory!"

"Believe me, I don't need a reminder" 

Jade secretly found it kind of adorable when Tori would break out into song, but she tried her hardest to hide away any feelings that threatened to show to the surface 

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