The Talk

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"No, no, no, no! Andre, stop, I changed my mind!" Tori begged, pulling away from Andre as he tugged her arm towards the campsite. 

Upon actually seeing Jade, Tori instantly lost her bravado, instead she wanted to run and hide.

"You have to do this, Tori, come on" Andre lightly encouraged, trying to get Tori to move

"She'll just say the same thing" sighed Tori, running a hand through her hair

She watched with longing as Jade sat at the campfire with Cat, Robbie and Beck

Andre grounded Tori, "Hey, it'll be okay, I promise. No matter what happens, it will be okay. And if you're scared she'll just say the same thing then say something different. Show her how serious you are"

Tori nodded, "You're right"

"I know I'm right" Andre said with a smirk

Tori sighed, "This is just so hard"

"Nobody said relationships were easy, Tori. But easy would be boring anyways" reassured Andre

"I should just go for it. I should just walk over there and tell her that..."

"Woah, now hold up, tiger! How about you and Jade go somewhere private to talk? I'll distract Robbie so he doesn't eavesdrop" offered Andre

"Okay, that would help a lot. Thank you again for everything" Tori said, sincerely

"Of course. Now get over there!" Andre shooed her away and she stumbled over to where her friends were, her nerves eating away at her

"Hi" Tori said giving a shy wave

"Tori hi!" squealed Cat

Jade didn't meet her eyes but said, dryly, "Hey Vega"

"Be nice, Jade" groaned Beck

Jade raised her eyebrows, "Ooo I didn't know you were the boss of me!"

Robbie asked, "What's going on, Tori? Did you want to hang out with us? We were just about to play Forest I-Spy"

"No we weren't Robbie" retorted Jade, annoyed

"Well then me and Cat were" said Robbie, putting his arm around Cat

Cat chewed on the string of her jacket, "Yep!" she said, happily

Tori took a deep breath and interrupted Cat and Robbie's banter, "Jade, I need to talk to you...alone"

Cat wiggled her eyebrows and looked at Jade, "Oooo alone"

"What?" asked Tori, not catching on

"Cat, shut up!" warned Jade between gritted teeth

"Eep!" squeaked Cat, hiding her face in Robbie's hoodie

Tori rocked on her shoes, feeling awkward and all kinds of nervous, "So...Jade?"

"Yeah okay. But only to get away from Cat" sighed Jade, getting up to follow Tori

Tori nodded and walked along with Jade not far behind. She found an area surrounded by some trees and yet far enough away from the campsite that no one would hear them

Jade called out, "Robbie, if you're out there stalking us I will rip out your organs and eat them like spaghetti!"

Tori grimaced, "That's a bit much"

"Yeah I guess you're right..." and then she shouted, "I will rip out your organs and feed them to Cat!" she turned back to Tori, "Is that better?"

Tori said, doubtfully, "Not really"

The Camping Trip: A Jori StoryWhere stories live. Discover now