Best Friends

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Less than a half hour had passed before Tori heard a rustling through the forest and her best friend Andre was at her side. 

He sat down next to her, "Hey talk to me, Tori. What's happening?" he rubbed her shoulder, supportively

"Me and Jade had a huge falling out" whimpered Tori

Andre couldn't help but show his confusion, "But you and Jade always constantly"

"Yeah but this time was really different"

"Care to explain?" asked Andre

Tori exhaled, "So remember how you're the only person who knows I like Jade?"

"Yeah" Andre said, putting his hand together

"You're not the only one anymore" 

Andre's eyes widened, "Oh Tori, I would never. I promise I never would have told a soul"

"No, no, Andre! It's okay! I told her...well I showed her. I kissed Jade" admitted Tori

Andre's jaw hung open, "You what?!" he screeched

"I know, I know" groaned Tori

"You kissed Jade?" gasped Andre, practically speechless

Tori nodded, "Yep and it all went downhill from there"

Andre put his head in his hands, "Oh Tori, I really wish you talked to me before you did that"

"Well I got some information out of her though. I mean, she kissed me back"

Andre spluttered, "She what? She likes you too?" He shook his head, "How did I not see that?"

Tori sorrowed, "But then after the kiss she said we could never be together"

Andre's expression turned very saddened and hurt for his friend, "Aww Tori, I'm so sorry"

He hugged her and she stayed into his comforting embrace for a few moments, "Thank you" she said, quietly

Once she pulled away, he asked, "So, what else happened? If she kissed you back then why did she say you two couldn't be together? To be honest, I'm pretty pissed at her right now"

Tori gave a small smile, "Thanks Andre. It was really complicated but basically what she  told me was that I'm too good for her and she'll just break my heart"

Andre shrugged, "I hate to say it but maybe she's right. You're the best person I know, Tori. And Jade...she's wonderful too but she has a lot of issues. I've been talking to Beck a lot these past few weeks and she really does have a lot of baggage from her childhood. It's not her fault that happened to her but she has to work through it"

"I just feel like it should be my decision on what's best for me though. If I say I want to be with her and I don't mind her issues, why can't she believe me? What if I like her just the way she is, I see the person she truly is deep inside, I always have" 

Andre went on, "It sounds like she's looking out for you, Tor. Maybe it's worth another conversation but it sounds like she's just looking out for you. She doesn't want you to get hurt and neither do I"

"So you think I should try talking to her again?"

"Tell her what you just told me. I think that's a good way to start" offered Andre

Tori put her head back against the tree, "I did tell her that"

Andre put his hand on Tori's shoulder and looked her right in the eyes, "Tell her again. Tell her till she believes it. If you really feel strongly about her then you should go for it. But careful please. Hey, I don't want you getting hurt either"

The Camping Trip: A Jori StoryWhere stories live. Discover now