The Set-Up

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The group of friends gathered their bags together and headed past the campsite bathrooms and deep into the woods.

Through their Pearphones Sikowitz was already sending them assignments to do on their camping trip. 

Jade groaned as another incoming message came in on her phone, "I'm going to throw this stupid phone into the lake"

Beck remarked, "Jade, trust me, you don't want to do that"

"It'd be kinda funny though!" Cat chuckled

Tori plopped her bags down in a clearing and the other friends followed suite.

"Wha-why does Vega get to decided where we're staying?" Jade complained

Tori crossed her arms, "Do you have a better spot?"

Jade muttered, "I could have found a better one"

Cat sat down criss-cross applesauce on the grass and Robbie sat besides her, "So, I'm going to show you guys what I packed!"

Beck nodded, "Nice! Andre, can you help me set up the tents?"

Andre strode over to him, "You got it, Beck! Hey, for our pairs for the scavenger hunt do you want to be my pair?"

Beck laid out the parts of the tent and held a nail between his teeth ad he read the instruction booklet, "Yeah of course, Andre!"

Jade demanded, "What do you mean pairs?"

Andre tilted his head, "Jade, didn't you see the texts from Sikowitz? We're to setup our campsite then the first assignment is the 'Acting Scavenger hunt"

As Cat laid out her stuffed animals she asked, "Hey Robbie, will you be my partner?"

Panicked Jade yelped, "No, no, no, no! One of you have to be my partner"

Robbie winced at Jade, "Sorry, Cat asked first"

Cat said, optimistically, "Don't worry, Jade! Tori will be your partner! Tori's the best"

Tori gave a feeble wave to Jade.

Jade groaned, "Lord, take me now"

Cat started laughing again, "Jade, you're so funny...anyways so Robbie this is Mr. Purple obviously, this is Henry, and this is a new one, his name is Melon, get it cause he looks like a melon?"

Tori hesitantly walked over to Jade, "So, excited for our scavenger hunt together?"

Jade forced a smile, "Just thrilled!"

Tori fiddled with her fingers, "Well I suppose we better start on our tent or we'll be sleeping with the wolves tonight. Look, Andre and Beck already have theirs halfway setup"

Andre boasted, "Well looks like me and Andre are the camp all-stars already"

The guys high-fived

"Yeah well you two are the only guys here" said Jade, casually

Robbie looked around in shock and spat, "I'M A GUY!"

Jade looked at him and said non-fazed, "Okay"

Tori poured out the contents of her and Jade's tent, "Alright Jade, let's get to work!" she called, way too energized and enthusiastic for Jade's taste

"Fine, but only because I want to" groaned Jade

Tori started sorting through the rakes and clips for the tent as Jade started undoing the folds of the fabric.

It had been a few moments of setting up the tents in silence minus Cat's chatter about her stuffed animals. 

"So, what are you most looking forward to on this trip?" asked Tori

The Camping Trip: A Jori StoryWhere stories live. Discover now