The Dark Of Night

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"Is it just me or is it getting darker out? And colder?" asked Tori with a slight shiver

Jade replied, "Probably because it's already 8, Vega"

"We should really head back for the night. We'll finish this in the morning, we have all day and night tomorrow"

"Just my luck" Jade muttered, sourly

"Jade, come on" sighed Tori

Jade continued on walking, "No, I want to finish this tonight. Besides, I work best at night anyways"

Tori let out an exasperated groan and kept following Jade, despite feeling exhaustion overtake her

Jade smirked, "Hey, if you want I can play some music on my Pear Phone that'll wake you up"

Tori beamed, "Oh really? That'd be great!"

Tori didn't even notice the mischievous smile on Jade's face. Jade played a heavy metal song on her phone that was full of screaming and swearing and drums

"Jade! Turn that off!" Tori screeched, trying to grab her phone from her

Jade purred, "Whatever is the prob?"

Tori pressed pause on her phone and Jade shrugged and put her phone back in her pocket

As Jade walked along she said, "Okay so the next thing on the list that I remember was..."


She ignored Tori, "We need to find a nearby body of water and I suppose that the shower room doesn't count so maybe if we go..."


"...a little past the hill over there then we probably will find..."

Tori grabbed Jade's shoulders and hissed, "Jade! Stop! Look!"

Jade glanced at her in confusion and then looked straight ahead to see a huge grizzly bear staring the girls down

Jade froze upon seeing the huge bear and Tori squeezed Jade's arms tighter, "Oh my gosh, Jade! I'll grab a rock..."

Tori started to move away to grab something and between gritted teeth Jade said, "Don't move"

"But Jade I..."

"I'm serious, do not move" Jade repeated

Tori grabbed a rock and acted as if she was preparing to throw it

Jade warned, "You're going to get us both killed! Stop!"

Tori stopped in her tracks and looked over at Jade, fearfully

The bear took a slow step forward which caused Jade to reach for the scissors in her belt and hold them up at an angle towards the bear

"But Jade I don't want you to..."

The bear let out a low grumble

"Tori, stop talking" warned Jade

The bear took a few trodding steps forward

"Okay listen to me, when I say 'run' you have to promise me you'll run" Jade directed between shaky breaths

"I'm not leaving you!" Tori insisted

Jade shut her eyes and inhaled, "Listen to me...if we're both going to make it out of here alive then you have to do what I say, okay? Run when I tell you and don't look back"

Tori whimpered, "Okay"

Jade lept forward and swung her scissors at the bear, "Run now!"

Tori took off but as she looked back she saw Jade still fighting off the bear and she halted to a stop and started back towards Jade and the bear, "JADE!"

The Camping Trip: A Jori StoryWhere stories live. Discover now