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" She might have not said what she wanted
But he knows she wants him. "


"Anika why are you not understanding, it's because I love you, I don't want to get separated from you" Avinash said in a very vulnerable voice trying to make her understand.

Hearing his confession, Anika's eyes watered. She's trying to silent her muffles. If it were in a different scenario, then she would be very happy. But now she didn't want him to miss his opportunity because of her, it's his dream job, dream company, dream country, high salary.

As Avinash saw Anika crying, he went towards her side and hugged her, rubbing his palms on her shoulders, calming her. He never thought he'd see her in this position. That too because of him. She always acted and behaved to be a strong woman, who can deal with herself in every situation, But now she's vulnerable, breaking, in front of him, because of him. He can't bear it.

"Tell me Anika, Don't you love me?" He asked, looking into her eyes.

By now her tears had stopped but his next sentence again invoked her tears.

"I can stay with you and you can also pursue your dream"

Tell me Anika you love me, I don't want to get parted from you, I love you so much"

Avinash is trying every way to make her understand.

"Avinash. No. It shouldn't happen like this" By now they got half of the café's attention towards them.

"What shouldn't happen? Tell me, don't you also like me?"

"Let's talk somewhere else" Anika wiped her tears bringing her state to normal and said in a slow voice eyeing others who were looking at them.

Avinash paid the bill and took her to a quiet area in the park.

He loved her, Just like how much she loved him.

He loved her, and he confessed just now.

He loved her more than his dreams and goals.

But could she be selfish and take everything he gives her?

What if they fought or broke up in future, Will he regret his decision of being together with her instead of following his dreams?

For now, she just wants him to do what he dreamt till now.

She can wait. Not his job. Of course maybe he is talented enough to get any job but Swing CareFree, his dream company offers what all he wants and it's his favourite.

She can wait. She's his. From her body to heart.

Slowly Anika reached to his side, gripped his neck and attached her mouth to his. He was surprised. It was just lip-to-lip. Tears fell from Anika's eyes as her next words might ruin everything.

Avinash was still in surprise and felt happy that she was also loving him like him. His hands cup her cheeks making it easy for her.

Just when his lips got parted for more she left him.

Anika could see the love and happiness in his eyes.

Anika looked at the other side and took a heavy breath and answered his long ago asked question.

"Sorry Avinash. For now I can't concentrate on any other things. Bye, Congratulations and All the best for your new job. I know you will do great but don't get more stressed.....Be Happy" Said Anika leaving Avinash who is still in shock.

He is stuck in her first words. She just kissed now. That means she loves him. Then why sorry. Slowly her every word got registered. She made it sound like a goodbye speech.


e wanted to stop her, His heart and mind were still fighting about what to do and he saw her fading figure going far and further away from him.

e wanted to stop her, His heart and mind were still fighting about what to do and he saw her fading figure going far and further away from him

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I'm so sorry they broke like this.

But what can I do, It's Anika's decision but I hope you'll understand she's also in helpless position.

Let's hope soon things will be better for them.

For now, I wish you happiness in your life.

See you soon,

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