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" Another Sunrise and Another Sunset,
It was again Night
But I haven't seen you yet, My Love. "


 “Yeah, he is coming. But I heard that his grandmother has requested to see his marriage as he is the only grandchild before she dies.”

As soon as Anika heard this, she was happy on one side that Avinash is coming and maybe he’ll stay permanently, But as soon as she heard that word, Marriage, her inner turmoil started.
She took fruits with her and silently went towards her room. If Avinash is coming to marry, then who’ll be the bride? Whom would he marry? Does he still love her? Do they still stand a chance? Or has he loved any girl in London? Argh, these thoughts are confusing and making Anika sad.
But does she deserve him, After what she had done to him? He tried every possible way for them to be together, while she, she rejected him in all ways.
Now no matter what decision he took, she would have to be prepared for him. But she still hopes him to come to her, To become her man, while she, His.
The next day as usual Anika woke up, got ready, and went to the institute by 8:00 am informing her parents she had work to do. She saw that no one was present in the office. It’s still early, she checked the time and laughed to herself. Then made her way to her cabin.
Where would Avinash be now? Would he come? Is he willing to meet her? Will he see her? Will he talk to her? Does he still love her?
In the past, before their separation, one time a topic came up about his wife,It was and then Avinash said, “I’ll see her like a Queen, I’ll love her from all my heart, I’ll try my best to not let her cry.” With his eyes full of adoration looking into her eyes.
She broke that right, His plans together with her?
As she thought somebody knocked on the door and entered inside, It’s Chandana.
“Hey madam, why are you crying?” Chandana spoke with full concern, wiping her tears.
Anika who is still in her imagination just realized that she was crying and instantly hugged Chandana.
“You know chandu, I think Avinash is permanently coming,” Anika said hiccupping a little.
“That’s already what we have expected right, After 3 years his bond with the company will be completed. And why are you crying for it?” Chandana said, sighing relief as she thought something major happened to find Anika this early and alone in the office.
“He is not coming like that, he is coming for marriage,” Anika said and started crying.
“What?” Chandana shouted in shock.
A little later after Anika calmed herself, explained what she heard from her parents.
“You still haven’t met him nor his marriage is already fixed, why are you crying when nothing happened yet,” Chandana said, giving water to Anika. Anika drank water.
“I’m just afraid that nothing goes in my way”
“Hope for your love darling, after all that happened I doubt what he’ll do now?”
“Hmm,” Anika mumbled.
“Hey, wash your face, It’s time for students to come.” Chandana said and asked “What’s that box, have you not eaten?” pointing to a tiffin box.
“No, I’ll eat later,” Anika said, shrugging at her.
“No eat now, otherwise how would you survive for the day,” Chandana said.
“Yes, I’ll. Now you go.”
“I’ll go. I’ve class now, Why are you so early today?”
“I don’t feel like staying in the home with this face, And I wanted to come here”
“Don’t worry. Your love is strong. Everything will be better. Now eat fast and go to college” Chandana said and left.
Anika didn’t feel like eating but she didn’t want to waste food, So she ate and left for college to face this day. After a long hectic three hour class, She’s retired from today’s college.
“Bye Mam,” Some students said after seeing her, Like it was, Anika is one of the famous and favorite teachers among students.
While she sat in her car she received a phone call from her dad,
“Anika, where are you?” Her dad asked
“I’m starting from college now dad” Anika replied, putting the phone on speaker.
“It’s good. Can you pick your mom home, we are in hospital and I’ve to go to the office now” Her dad said in a hurry.
“Is everything ok dad?” Anika asked to start driving.
“Yes, just small work urgent in the office”
“I’m not asking about your work Mr. Gowtham Ahuja, I know your capability, I’m asking about why you are in the hospital. Are you and mom okay?” Anika is now near the hospital.
“Yes we are fine, We came here to see Mr. Satish Adani’s mom”
Anika suddenly pulled the brake.
It’s Avinash. Godddddddddddd.

So guys, sry for late update again

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So guys, sry for late update again.

But I've never expected myself to be saying all these words here, because when I read these same words in others stories, in the same place, I've never expected.

These days have been hectic, that too permanent lose of my best friend has done no good.

I miss her very dearly,
she understood me like none ever
she loved me like none ever
she adored me like none ever
she cared me like none ever.

Anyhow, I think this is life.
I've to accept, but this is too sudden or more like a shock, nonetheless, she was a beautiful memory for me.

I promise next update will be asual, thank you so far, if you are continuing my story.

See you soon,

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