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" Even this dead of night played along your act,
The act of you loving me. "

Claps echoed from the whole crowd as Avinash completed his speech.

Avinash returned to his seat and sat in his chair, then their principal continued.
Anika was in tears by the end of the speech. She didn’t expect Avinash to do very well and moreover mention her in the middle. But Anika felt both proud and embarrassed as Avinash mentioned her. Proud because he mentioned her and praised her in front of this whole crowd, Embarrassed because she too studied just like him but left her job and switched to another career.
Avinash’s legs were still shaking even after he sat down, his heartbeat still hasn’t decreased to the normal rate. He looked at the whole crowd studying their eyes to see how he performed. Just then, his eyes met Anika. She was smiling proudly looking into his eyes, it seemed like she didn’t realize she cried. Avinash gestured for her to wipe her tears, and then Anika realized she cried in his speech. Anika felt embarrassed and left her place. They thought nobody saw their silent moment but many eyes saw them.
Anika when going inside of the building saw Avinash’s and her parents. Of course, why wouldn’t they attend? They were also very happy. They said Avinash invited them and now they have to get going to do their work. Their parents were also surprised when Avinash mentioned her on stage, as well, they said they are also proud of Anika.

She did the one that her heart likes and now many were proud of her. She was happy when they praised her too but in this process, she lost one important person and a valuable time in her life.
Anika excused herself from the event after their parents left and went to their old classroom.
Anika a few years back was a student in that class and now, she is a teacher in the same class. That’s really making her feel proud and happy, how her dream got succeeded yet she felt low because the one she love was not with her now, though he supported her now. It would have really been different if she accepted that offer and gone to London with him, maybe she would have helped him with his achievements by being by his side. Maybe today for this event, she would have attended beside him with his name beside her name. Maybe they both would have gathered more memories in these three years.
But would she be happy, if instead of realizing her dream, followed him and doing a job that doesn’t require much effort to enter into a new path? She still hasn’t got the answer. Because without Avinash with her, she felt lonely, previously they both haven’t confessed and not get together, but they both always hang out with one another and share everything with each other just like any other normal couple. She had got so used to being with Avinash that after Avinash went she felt very lonely.
Anika didn’t realize the time and already one hour completed while she was in her thoughts sitting in Avinash’s old place in their old classroom.
The event got over and except for some staff, all others left. Avinash was in search of Anika and learned from someone that she had gone in their old class’s direction. Avinash searched every room in the middle where she could possibly stay and finally made it to their previous room. Through the door, he could see some silhouette sitting in his place, no need to guess who it was.
Anika upon the door opening sound came from her thoughts and saw Avinash coming from the door. Anika suddenly got self-conscious about what he was doing here, this time?
Avinash entered and saw Anika looking at him. His eyes met her eyes. Both were staring intently into the other’s eyes. Seconds passed but none was ready to break their eye contact. In the end, when Anika could no longer bear his intense eye contact, broke it.
“what are you doing here? Was the event finished?” Anika asked, looking at the side.
Avinash didn’t answer. He was just looking at her.
Not getting an answer Anika looked up and met his intense eyes.
Time is not really helping them. Alone in a room, far from the crowd, dimly lit light, reduced temperature making them want to stay close to each other.

 Alone in a room, far from the crowd, dimly lit light, reduced temperature making them want to stay close to each other

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