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" Now I promise things will return to as usual and I'll never leave you again. "


“Congratulations Avinash, you made us proud,” Sarika said with teary eyes.
“Thanks, mom” Avinash’s voice has a feeling of proudness. Of course which child wouldn’t want to make their parents proud.
“Your grandmother is also wishing you Goodluck, okay I’ll come home and cook you sweet, Bye, Love you, my son,” Sarika said.
“Tell grandma, thanks. Love you too mom” now Avinash’s relationship also increased a little towards expressing feelings.
It’s not even 10 minutes completed, Ganesh called.
“Goodmor..” Before even Avinash could complete Ganesh interrupted
“What the f*ck man? When have you won an award and When did you get this promotion? Am I really your friend? Have you thought of sharing it with me? Wait, or have you got this promotion in London itself and now the news got leaked” Ganesh said without giving a gap.
“Hello….Avinash, are you there?” Ganesh asked after 10 seconds of silence.
“Are you completed now? So I can talk. And yes, I’m here” Avinash said calmly.
“Oh sorry, But what man? When did this all happen?” Ganesh asked now a little calmly.
“If you give me a break, I’ll say” and Avinash clarified things to him.
“So that bald head boss called you yesterday, no wonder I’ve heard rumours before about this award, but I didn’t think it’d happen.”
“How many times do I have to say, respect him. Call him Mr. Grey. It’s polite and second what rumours?”
Ganesh completely ignored that polite part and said “It’s that I heard something like an award for some invention, but I thought they were rumours and didn’t know it was true and moreover for your device.”
“Oh, okay”
“Anyhow man, congratulations. I know you had it in you. So when are you going to join the company, Are you going to stay in India?”
“Yes, and I’ve taken a 3 months break to sort out things and they’ve approved”
“Cool, then enjoy your vacation and how’s it going between you and Anika?”
“Nothing special, I’m ignoring her”
 “Hey ignoring isn’t key to solving problems, tell her your views if you want to end your differences”
“Yeah, yeah. Thank you for your advice sir but I know what I’m doing”
“I’ll see what you’ll do”
“Okay bye, I’ve things to do” with this Avinash ended the call.
Avinash went to the park to jog and saw Anika sitting on a bench with two elders around her. He went near them and heard their conversation.
“Anika why are you not careful, see you’ve hurt yourself” One elder spoke with pity and kindness.
“I’m sorry aunty, I didn’t see that stone in dark,” Anika replied in pain.
“Why are you saying sorry for it? Now how you’ll walk to your home with your twisted ankle” Another elder responded.
“No problem aunty, I’ll call my brother now. Thank you for your concern. You can continue walking. I’ll be fine” Anika said.
“Take care, call us if you’ve any problem now, we’ll be near you,” the second elder said and they started moving when the first elder saw Avinash near them “If I remember correctly, you both are neighbours right, you can take her home,” First elder said.
Before even Avinash or Anika could refuse, the second elder responded “Yes, they are, Avinash take her home”
Not having any choice, Avinash decided to do it.

 Before even Avinash or Anika could refuse, the second elder responded “Yes, they are, Avinash take her home” Not having any choice, Avinash decided to do it

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Finally, everything's going to get into the track
And they are going to fall deeply, once again.

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