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"We are gathered here today because of the charges brought against Jase Park by his own daughter Y/n Jennifer Park."

"The charges are as followed.
You abandoned her at the age of 15. Which means she was still a minor back then. Emotional abuse. Now let's go with it."

"Your honour, knowing she was a minor when her father kicked her out should be enough to declare the case goes to her. But we've made a case to show you."

"He's been emotionally abusing her since she was 5. He kicked her out 10 years later even giving her a note saying your a waste of time and space a mistake. I've given you the note your honour."

The judge read the note and compared it to the contract he signed.

"This is indeed the same handwriting. Proceed."

"She was thrown out on the street and had nowhere to go."

"Objection your honour. She could've gone to live with her mother."

The judge looked at my father's lawyer angry. She did not grant the objection.

"Your honour her mother lived in America at the time and then moved to Europe. There was no way a 15 year old could travel to that country alone."

"She's been able to visit now hasn't she? Why not stay there? Why drag this to court now?"

"Can I speak your honour?" You asked.

"Yes you may come forward to speak."

I went to the seat next to the judge and adjusted the microphone. (A/n I know nothing of lawsuits so bare with me okay)

"My mother and father got divorced at the age of 5. They were in a horrible law suit. My mother ended up losing. She was deemed unfit to raise me so my father got custody over me."

"He signed everything. Agreeing she would get money that she was owed. But he left her with nothing. She's had to work shitty jobs just to provide for herself.

"I've been only able to visit her since last year. I found out her address and visited her and she told me everything. After I told her my situation. She couldn't take me in because she didn't have custody over me or was my legal guardian until I turn 21."

"Yes he left me some money after I turned 16 but I was nothing with that. I could only pay so much a day and month. I had to make all sorts of arrangements to have a roof over my head and food everyday."

"Thank you miss Park."

You nodded your head and went back to your seat. Your lawyer mouthed a good job. "Now we will hear from the father."

"This whole thing is ridiculous simply ridiculous. I got stuck with her and all she did was whine and complain. She wanted this and that. I couldn't focus on work anymore. I couldn't focus on anything. I told her to go live with her aunt for a while so I could have some rest."

"She just ran away and now she's putting this all on me."

"If that were the case mister Park why didn't you attempt to look for her?"


"Enough, I've seen all I need to see and hear. The jury will reconvene shortly after it's made it's decision."

"All that's left to do is to wait. We did good hun."

"If we win it's all thanks to you Liz. Thank you so much."

She smiled at you. During the trial your phone kept buzzing and it was very annoying.

"May I get your attention please. The judges have decided to grant this case in favour of miss Y/n Jennifer Park."

"As result his title as legal guardian has been striped. He will pay a fee of 350k in total. Which includes a fee for abandonment of your child, leaving a minor alone to fend for themselves. Emotional abuse, and the fact you knew and did nothing. We have also concluded you are to pay a fee of 500k to the mother as result of not following the divorce contract signed. This comes at a total of 750k that needs to paid by the end of the week."

"If not you will be taken too jail effective immediately. That's all have yourselves a nice day." The judge hit the pedestal with her hammer thus ending the trial.

You hugged Lyana and she hugged you back and you were both overjoyed at this result.

There were photographers there and they took a picture of you being victorious. It would end up being on the front page.

Hey Y/n are you alright you've been gone for a week?

Everyone is worried sick about you except for Minho, does he know something we don't?

How did the trial go? Did you win?

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