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You were getting ready to leave for the place Minho asked you to meet him at. You wore a beautiful white pencil skirt with a light white shirt.

It looked like a dress, you added a light fluffy sweater. You also put on some light make-up. You looked at yourself in the mirror and were satisfied with your look. You hair was slightly wavy.

You walked out of your room and ran into your sister. Well half sister. "Oh hey y/n you look gorgeous, going out with Minho?" She asked excited.

"Mhm, now excuse me I'm already running late."

"Oh take the car if you must. We can't have you being late." She winked and you nodded. She gave you the key to the car and walked away.

You got into the car and drove to the spot. It was a very secluded. You parked the car and saw Minho waiting with a face mask on. You smiled at the sight of him.

You got out of the car and walked towards him. He saw you and you could tell he was smiling by his eyes. "You look beautiful." He said as he took your hand making you blush.

He guided you inside the place. It was a Botanic garden. It was beautiful. It had many pretty flowers of all kinds.

Their were butterflies and even some birds flying around. You stared in awe at the place. "I knew you'd love it, this is a very beautiful place after all."

You rolled your eyes playfully. "It really is. I didn't know their were places like these around here."

"Well their are many beautiful places here in Seoul but many don't compare to your beauty."

You looked at him and hit his chest. Your cheeks were flushed. "Yah Minho, why do you always do this to me?" You whispered and walked away.

He followed closely behind. "Oh let me show you the perfect spot." He grabbed your hand and led you through the many flowers and trees. You had arrived at a beautiful waterfall.

"Oh wow this is so beautiful. But how is their a waterfall in here?" You asked him confused. "It used to be the main attraction of the garden. But then all these beautiful flowers grew attracting the many butterflies. So people forgot about this and trees started to grow, hidding it from plain sight. It's a tiny waterfall so many people don't notice." He explained.

"Its perfect for what I'm about to say." You looked at him confused. "You aren't planning on killing me right?" You joked and he laughed.

"No Y/n, listen carefully and don't say anything until I'm finished okay. Then you can tell me what you wanted to tell me." You nodded as he held the both of your hands.

"Okay so you know it's been a while since we've known each other. First through text and now in the flesh. Well I've come to realise a few things."

"I've noticed a few things that I do whenever I see, talk or think about you. You always light up my mood. You always make me happy and make me smile."

"At first I was interested in you because of how you stated what was on your mind. You were really blunt about it too. Then I got to know you and when you told me your whole situation I wanted to do nothing more then to hold you, tell you who I am so you'd cheer up."

"You are always on my mind. The members constantly teased me how I would always hang or talk with you or about you whenever you weren't there. I finally realised that I really like you, like like like you."

"I like this amazing, wonderful, truly caring and the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She's right in front of me. It's okay if you don't feel the same as me. I just wanted to let you know." He said as he looked into your eyes.

Your cheeks were red the entire time. Your palms have been sweating a lot. Your heart beat was racing. "You like me?" You asked in shock and he nodded his head.

Your shock turned into a smile as you said. "I like you too Minho. I was gonna tell you today." You said embarrassed. "You were?" You nodded your head and he immediately embraced you in a tight hug. "You are mine now." He said with a smirk on his face. You smiled at him. You held hands and walked around a lot that day, taking pictures.

"I have a surprise for you kitten." He said as he gave you a hug after returning from the studio. "Oh what is it?" You asked curiously.

"You'll have to find out." He smiled playfully. "Close your eyes, I'll take you somewhere." He said as you complied and closed your eyes.

He took your hand and guided you outside and placed you carefully in the car. You continued to ask where you were going but he wouldn't say. You were really excited tho. Minho tends to surprise you a lot when he has the time.

You really enjoyed this. His surprises were always the best. The drive wasn't long all things considered. He helped you out of the car. "Alright we are almost there." He took your hand and carefully leads you to the surprise.

You could smell a lot of different smells. You could also hear water splashing down. You had a feeling you knew where you were.

"Okay open your eyes." He said and you did and were completely surprised by what you saw. You were at the garden where you both had confessed. Only know there were fairly lights strung to trees lighting up the whole place.

Their was a table with plates and food was also there. "The food was just delivered, let's eat." He smiled at you. "It's so beautiful, I love this surprise but you didn't have to."

"I wanted to, anything to make my beautiful girlfriend smile." You still blushed at his words of affection. He loved it.

You both enjoyed your dinner and talked about your day. It was amazing. "So I have one more surprise." He said mischievously.

You looked at him with that "oh" look. He grabbed your hand and gazed into your eyes. His gaze was filled with love.

"So three years ago we confessed here to another and it was the second best moment of my life."

"Only second best?" You asked kinda hurt. "Yes because today is the best day of my life. Especially the moment that has to come."

He went down on one knee and pulled out a gorgeous diamond ring. You gasped and tears started pricking your eyes.

"Y/n Will you make me the happiest man alive even more then you already do now and stay by my side forever? These past 3 years have been the best and I want all your time."

"Yes fuck yes, I'll marry you big idiot." You cried out of happiness. He smiled and slid the ring on your finger and gave you a passionate kiss.

You walked back to the car hand in hand. "You know I think I deserve a reward for giving you the best surprise ever." He smirked. "Oh do you now?"

"Most definitely." You laughed. "Alright you sure you can handle it? I've got extra stamina right now." You joked and he smirked. "We'll see how long this stamina of yours lasts then." Your face immediately turned red and he laughed.

You both had fun the entire night definitely exceeding your stamina.

The end~

Hope you enjoyed this story.

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