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Jake drove you to the airport. He unloaded your suitcase from the trunk and handed it to you with a smile.

"Thanks mate." You smiled at him. He just nodded his head. Lyana got out her own suitcase because it didn't go fast enough for her liking.

We walked inside the airport. "Have fun!" Jake yelled. We walked to find the counter to ask them where the private plane would land.

"Hai excuse me, a private plane is picking us up. Could you tell us where it will land?" You asked the attendant at the counter.

She looked up and scrunched her nose. Realisation hit her a second later. "Oh yes, my supervisor told me a private plane would land tonight to pick up 2 girls. May I see your tickets first please?" She has a high pitched soft voice and gave us a cute honest smile.

"Yes of course." You said as you took out your ticket and Lyana did the same. You handed them over to the lady and she smiled and checked them. She tapped something in her computer.

Her face was full of focus. "Yes everything is in order. Here you go." She said as she handed us our tickets back. "The plane will arrive shortly and Cathy will take you there." She said as she pushed a button and picked up the phone.

"Cathy for the in check counter please." It was heard all over the airport. She placed the phone down and immediately after her own phone ran.

She looked quite shocked. "Oh excuse me." She as she picked up the phone. "Yes, really what a surprise. No okay..... it's fine I'll handle it, .... Yes I'll tell him,.... no don't worry this will be the last time.... Yes okay bye."

She closed her phone and looked at us. "I'm terrible sorry but Cathy is sick again and didn't show up for work. Everyone else is occupied at the moment so I'll take you to the plane." She smiled an apologetic smile. She stepped from behind the counter and pressed a button.

These special security fences came down and the whole counter space was behind them. "For security, you wouldn't believe how many people would try to steal things from the airport."

She lead us through the airport and through a gate that showed us a shuttle bus. "Now this shuttle bus should take you to the plane that's about to land any minute now."

"Thanks so much Sophie." You read her name on the name tag. She smiled "It's my pleasure."

"Oh your a kpop fan right?"

She widened her eyes for a few seconds and nodded. "Look me up on Instagram, I have promo codes and everything. It's leeknowskz."

"Oh I will thank you so much."

We waved goodbye and got on the bus. It took us to the plane. It had just landed.

"Welcome miss, I'm your pilot and I will be taking care of you. Please enjoy the flight." The pilot said as we entered the plane and sat down in our seats.

"Thank you." Lyana replied and he gave us a small smile. The plane took off and we're on our way to South Korea.

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