🐍 3: The Hyuga Princess 🐍

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A/N: This will be the last chapter before I jump into the real action of the storyline in this story. So I hope you enjoy the next chapter of the simple beginning of Ousei before he begins his true journey.

Now onto the chapter!



"Ousei, I'm sorry, but you can no longer be here," Amane said, looking down at a young six-year-old Ousei with beautiful black and pink hair going down to his neck.

"Why?" Ousei questioned.

"After that incident a week ago," She started."I'm afraid the Third Hokage believes it best you leave the orphanage."

The boy stared at Amane quietly as she continued to talk.

"You went completely crazy and put a boy in the hospital. I don't know what happened, but he believes you're a danger to the other children," She explained sadly.

"I was just trying to help her," He whispered as she closed his eyes, recalling what happened a week ago.


A six-year-old Ousei was walking toward to park to play after getting permission from Amane to go play outside instead of being in the orphanage with nothing to do since most kids avoided him because of his eyes.

While he was walking, he suddenly heard a commotion nearby. He walked towards the direction of the commotion, where he saw three older boys picking on a girl around his age with short blue hair and white pupil-less eyes with a hint of lavender in them.

'Her eyes are an interesting color.' Ousei thought as he glanced at the girl's eyes.

"If you're really a Hyuga, show us your Byugakun. If you won't, then go away. Your eyes are creepy," The tallest boy with spiky brown hair said, making his minions laugh.

Ousei saw one of the minions about to hit her, but Ousei quickly caught his hand as he narrowed his eyes at the boy.

"A gentleman is never disrespectful to a lady," He commented.

"What are you going to do about it, creep," The leader mocked, grabbing Ousei's collar when he also pulled on his necklace given to him by Amane, breaking it.

"I will not only teach you a lesson on female respect but make you pay for breaking my necklace!" Ousei shouted, suddenly punched the boy and sent him flying into a tree."You have no right to touch me or this gir!" He continued to shout as he kicked the boy in the stomach, making the other boys run off.

"Someone help there, a monster!" They yelled in fear.

"Such cowards," Ousei said, picking up the pieces of the broken necklace and looking at the girl who flinched in fear.

He took a deep breath as the powerful dark aura faded. "I didn't mean to scare you. Are you okay? They didn't hurt you, right?" He asked calmly.

"N-no i-i am o-o-okay a-and I am s-sorry because of m-me y-your necklace is b-broken," Hinata said, looking down nervously.

"Don't worry. I just see if the person who gave me it can get me a new one," Ousei said, walking over towards the girl."So what are you doing out here in the forest?" He asked.

"i-i w-was just w-w-wandering around but a-arigato for s-s-saving m-me."

"Hm, we should get going," Ousei said."What's your name?"

"i-i am h-h-Hinata Hyuga," She replied.

"Ousei Iguro."

Hinata blushed and looked away. Ousei just looked at her quietly before he grabbed her hand, making her face turn red like a tomato.

'She is quite a strange girl, but I guess that is not a bad thing.' Ousei thought as the two started to walk out of the forest and back into the village.

"Well, here we are, Hinata. I should get going back. My caretaker is probably expecting me for lunch already," Ousei said, letting go of Hinata's hand."Do you need me to walk you home?"

"-no, i-i, it's fine."

Ousei nodded and waved bye as he started heading back towards the orphanage, knowing it was about close to lunchtime.


The words from Amane still rang in his head as he walked through the village towards his new apartment building.

'So I have to live on my own just because I decided to protect that Hyuga girl. I should have let the boy be, but for some reason, I couldn't let it be.' Ousei thought as he felt the looks of villagers stareing at him.

"That boy, I hope the Third Hokage banished him after what he did to the poor boy in the hospital," A woman said.

"I know he broke that boy's ribs. He is even more dangerous than that girl," A man agreed as he glanced at a blonde-haired girl walking past Ousei with her head.

'So they fear me now more than this girl who is walking past me.' Ousei thought as he looked at the familiar blonde girl from the ramen shop and former resident of the orphanage when he was four and met her back then heading toward some of the food shops.

"You know what? Who cares? They are just pathetic living creatures," Ousei muttered as he finally reached a large grey and black apartment building.

'Well, the building is not bad, well built. Through is my actual apartment nice inside.' He thought, walking up the stairs towards apartment number 315, his apartment.

"Well, here we are, hopefully; it's nice," He said, taking out his key and opening the door, and the first room he saw was a living room with a black end table, red couch, red bench seat, three windows, and a medium plant pot in the corner near the left window.

'The living room is not bad.' He thought as he went to explore more of his apartment and saw the kitchen was painted black with grey kitchen furniture, and then checked the bathroom and finally explored his bedroom.

Once he finished exploring the other rooms in the new apartment, he placed the only belongings he had in his bedroom, which had a nice-sized black and white bed, desk, nightstand, and dressers.

'I believe that I can get used to this apartment. I will miss seeing Amane, but maybe I can still visit her house.' He thought, lying down on his new bed and deciding to relax after being kicked out of the orphanage early this morning, but he spent hours alone in the forest before going to his new apartment.

Here we go, the third chapter of the story. I hope you enjoy the third chapter. I hope you are all enjoying the rewrites I have made so far to the story.

Question of the day: What are you looking forward to most in this Naruto x Demon Slayer crossover?

Word Count: 1075

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