🐍8: Team Eight Offical 🐍

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"I will find her easily, right Akuamaru," Kiba said to Akamaru, who was sitting comfortably on his head.

"Woof!" Akamaru barked in agreement with Kiba.

"Kiba, wait," Shino suddenly said, gaining the attention of his teammates."We should track her down together why because all of our skills together will find her a lot easier," He explained.

Ouesi narrowed his eyes deep in thought at the explanation that came from Shinobi and glanced at Yukimaru.

"Your bug-lover teammate is correct. Using all of your different skills will make this fast, and I believe that is why you four are a team together, each of you having tracking skills, and you are a skilled fighter who can protect the girl who is a weaker link in combat," Yukimaru explained to him.

"K-Kiba I-I believe that Shino i-is right," Hinata said shyly, playing with her fingers.

"Fine then. How do you suggest combining our skills?!" Kiba asked in a loud voice.

"Well, Kiba," Ousei started getting Kiba and his team's attention."You and Akamaru can track her down by scent. At the same time, Shino bugs can keep track of her if you lose the scent of her smell. Hinata can use her eyes to look for her. Finally, Yukimaru can feel for vibrations in the ground, and I can use a few skills I have to sense for her chakra," He explained in a monotone voice.

"We should go with Ousei's plan; why? Because he was the second best in the class after Sasuke," Shino stated.

"Hey, just because he was second best doesn't mean his plan is the best!" Kiba snapped.

"Woof!" Akuamaru barked in agreement.

"Oh man, that dog needs to learn to be quieter and stop complaining," Yukimaru said.

"Kiba, focus now. Behavior like that only causes harm to the team," Ousei commanded, placing Yukimaru on the ground and closing his eyes.

"You're just as bad as Sasuke, thinking you know everything," Kiba muttered.

"N-No Ki-Kiba Ousei i-is just try-trying to keep us prepared so we're um safe," Hinata said softly, glancing at Ousei with a red tint on her face.

"Fine, Akuamaru, let's find Kurenai-sensei scent!" Kiba exclaimed as he and Akuamaru focused their sense of smell on Kurenai.

"I'll send my bugs to search the area for her," Shino said, lifting up his arms as he sent his beetles out of his sleeves to search their area.

"That leaves me, Byakugan!" Hinata shouted quietly, bringing up two fingers to her face and activating her dojustu.

Ousei just remained slightly as he focused on sensing for Kurenai-sensei charka.


Meanwhile elsewhere...

Kurenai was standing up in a tree, watching her students.

"It seems Shino and Ousei understand the concept of the test is working together," She said softly to herself, watching the two quiet boys explaining the development of the team placements."However, the question now is how well they know how to use their tracking skills together."

She smiled softly, seeing Kiba and Akuamaru working together, sniffing the air for her scent.

Her attention was then trained on Hinata, who nervously looked around, trying to use her Byugkaun to locate her charka signature.

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