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The Serpent Pillar Tsuguko

Description: Kiyomi Uchiha is the younger twin sister of Sasuke Uchiha

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Description: Kiyomi Uchiha is the younger twin sister of Sasuke Uchiha. After encountering Orochimaru in the forest of death and being given the cause mark as she suddenly feels the life slipping out of her. She suddenly wakes up to find herself in the Demon Slayer world, where she is found by Obanai, who trains her and sends her off to the Final Selection to become an official member of the Demon Slayer team.


Kiyomi's eyes widened. Orochimaru bit her neck and brought her right hand to her neck, groaning as she fell to her knees next to her twin brother, who had also been bitten.

"Sasuke! Kiyomi!" Sakura said worriedly. "You, what did you do, you Sauske and Kiyomi?" She asked, glaring at Orochimaru.

Orochimaru then brought a finger up to his mouth."I gave them a parting gift."

"Ah," Kiyomi groaned as the pain increased in her neck.

"Very soon, Sasuke and Kiyomi will come seeking me out and desire my power. In the meantime, I enjoy the glimpse of the energy you both already have," He said, sinking into the tree.

Kiyomi and Sasuke both let a loud scream as they collapsed on the ground.

"Sasuke! Kiyomi, what is it?" Sakura asked, rushing over to them and putting her hands around Sasuke.

"Ahhhhh!" Kiyomi let out another loud scream as her breathing started to become uneven.

"Kiyomi!" Sakura screamed, going over toward Kiyomi and saw her body sweating like crazy."You're going to be okay hang on," She said, picking up Kiyomi and trying to get Sasuke as well to take them to a safe spot to rest.


Kiyomi's P.O.V

I was surrounded by nothing but darkness. There was no light shining over me. I could make out fading lights in my vision as I felt my like my body was on fire.

My throat was burning. Like there was a soaring fire in her lungs. I felt my shaking, unable to stop as her lungs continue to burn.

'Is this the end?'

The feeling of a cold embraced my body as I felt the darkness getting thicker and harder, as my lungs filled up with the soaring, burning sensation in my lungs.

I felt a strange acceptance in my heart as I felt the end coming.

It was time for my death, and I felt acceptance and relief. I no longer be shackled by the expectations and pressure of being the sole survivor of the Uchiha clan. No longer bloody my hands or help my older twin get revenge.

It was strange, but I felt myself inwardly smile as I thought my lungs were starting to collapse as the soaring fire without my lungs continued to grow.

'I'm only twelve years old, almost thirteen, but here I am dying.'

I could feel myself starting to choke as my lungs were failing, and I knew it was the end for me.

My eyes suddenly snapped open when I felt something clasped against my chest and pressed gently down. The darkness started to brighten, filling my vision. I blearily gazed at the person who was trying to help me breathe and saw a flash of black.

I was woken up from my daze as I felt a painful sensation in my chest. I gurgled and coughed, seeing it come out of my mouth. I stared at my savior as they gently picked her up.

I squinted my eyes, coughing loudly and heaving as I was placed in a position to empty blood out of my lungs. My lungs were on for, and my body felt strained. My eyes were burning as well.

I slowly lifted my has to see a person carrying me awkwardly.

It was a man. The man was pretty muscular with short stature and pale skin. He had straight-edged black hair of varying length, the longest reaching down to his shoulders and the shortest stopping at his cheekbones worn down with two strands hanging between his eyes.

The last thing I saw was the man's unique heterochromia stareing at me along with a snake with red eyes before the world began to go black once again.

'At least I'm alive, I guess.' I thought as I felt my consciousness fading, and the man shifted my position again, making breathing a little bit easier.


I slowly woke up to a blinding white light shining on my face. I looked down at my hands, seeing fading burn-looking marks on them. There was also a different pair of clothes on my body. My raven hair stuck to my sweating forehead.

Slowly I lifted my head to take in my surroundings. I could tell I was in some kind of infirmary, but I knew I wasn't in my village because I couldn't sense any chakra in this place.

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