109 (Request)

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This is a story idea requested by BensStories!

Title: The Serpent Master-Kanto Saga

Fandom: Demon Slayer x Pokemon

Shipping: Ladon x Pearl (Pearl is Ben's Oc)

Character Information:

Name: Landon Shadow

Ability: Pokemon communication

Pokemon communication- Landon can communicate with Pokemon however his communication skills seem to work best with serpentine-like Pokemon.

Summary: Landon is the ten-year-old younger brother of the renowned Pokemon Master named Obani Shadow a member of the Taisho Region Elite Four. Landon along with his number one partner Pokemon sets off to the Kanto Region to enter the Indigo League aiming to become one of the world's strongest gym leaders. Along the way, he encounters childhood rivals, makes new rivals, and friends, catches all kinds of Pokemon, and even meets the girl of his dreams.

Cover: Not started

Status: Not started

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