62 (Request)

44 2 1

This story was requested by Sasuke_Uchiha_Wife

Title: The Adventures of Diamond Frost throughout the Kanto Region

Ship: Diamond Frost x Ash Ketchum

Character information:

Character 1 Bio:

Name: Diamond Frost

Ability: Pokemon telepathy

Ability Description:

Pokemon telepathy- Diamond just like her mother has the ability to understand what Pokemon are thinking using her telepathic ability.

Character 2 Bio:

Name: Ash Ketchum

Ability: Aura

Aura- Ash has the ability feel an person or pokemon Aura as well as be able to manipulate his own aura.

Summary: Diamond Frost, the only daughter of Emma Frost an ice type Pokemon trainer who used to enter Pokemon contest. However unlike her mother Diamond was to become the world strongest gym leader unsure of her typing of specialty. On her journey to become a strong trainer. She discovers the type of Pokemon she wants to specialize in, makes new friends in Ash Ketchum, Brock, and Misty. As she collects badges for the Indigo League. What happens when she starts to develop feelings for her new friend Ash Ketchum?

Cover: Not made yet

Status: I haven't started it yet.

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