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Title: The Neglected Tigress (Title in progress)

Fandom: Kung Fu Panda

Shipping: Ren x Tigress

Character #1 Information:

Name: Xue

Ability: Cougar-style

Cougar style- The Cougar style is powerful yet requires great agility with powerful strikes that are hard to defend against with the force of power into them.

Character #2 Information

Name: Tigress

Ability: Tiger style

Tiger style- The Tiger style is fierce and aggressive, with powerful strikes and fast attack combos. There is no waiting and little defense in this style. Opponents of the Tiger Style are often intimidated and overwhelmed. Tigers are also fluid, flexible, and graceful.

Summary: Tigress after an incident causing her to feel neglected and unappreciated by her fellow warriors Crane, Monkey, Mantis, Viper, and Po becomes cold and distant from them and starts training in serecet away from the Jade Palace where she meets Ren the leader of the Feline bandits and develops feelings for him. When Master Shifu with her fellow warriors come to apologize will Tigress be able to restore her bond with them or will her heart choose to stay with Ren and his bandit gang? Read to find out.

Cover: Not started

Status: Not started.

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