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Summary: After years of being a member of Team Rocket, Jessie was made the new boss of Rocket after the retirement of Giovanni

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Summary: After years of being a member of Team Rocket, Jessie was made the new boss of Rocket after the retirement of Giovanni. However, this is the story of her daughter Jasmine. Who sets on her very own Pokemon journey throughout the Kanto region to become the world's greatest Pokemon trainer, and hoping to find her father. Her father who left when she was long and barely remembers his face. What kind of adventures await her on her journey?


It was a beautiful morning in the Kanto Region. It is a large building with a Red 'R' on the front up in the mountains.

There lived a young girl who dreamed of becoming the world's most excellent Pokemon trainer. As well as a goal to find her father.

Now let's meet the main character of the story Jasmine Silverstein, a beautiful young petite ten-year-old girl who is slightly tall for a girl her age.

Jasmine has long, silky smooth purple well, more magenta hair, her bangs were brushed in a side swept position framing her face and shoulders, and she has dark blue eyes.

She was currently dressed in her yellow long sleeve
pajama shirt and green pants with flowers on them as she was sitting up, stretching her arms, waking up from her slumber.

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