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Summary: Naruto and the others don't live in a world of shinobi

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Summary: Naruto and the others don't live in a world of shinobi. Instead, live in a world of the X-men, a world where people with special powers and appearance live. Known as mutants to the world. This is the story of Hoshiko Yashagoro, the daughter of Orochimaru and the younger twin of Drago Otsutsuki. She is feared by many and wanted as a tool to the Akatsuki, a group of high-level mutants who killed her mother at a young. After years of suffering from the Akatsuki, she finally escapes from them. What happens when the Akatsuki found out? Will they locate her first, or will her father and family find her first?


It was a cool, windy night in the woods. A young five-year-old girl with ghostly shits, pale skin, and golden slit pupil eyes with dark blue markings above them. She had long, light blue silky hair that stopped at her upper back and was outside watching the stars spark in the sky.

Her name is Hoshiko Yashagoro, the younger twin sister of Drago Otsutsuki. Who were the only children of Hoshi Otsutsuki well know medic for mutants, and Orochimaru, a mutant who enjoys science and once went to a Sarutobi school for mutants?

Hoshiko wasn't an avenge mutant. She was gifted with very unique powers that her family tried to keep a well-hidden secret.

However, that power of hers ended up costing the life of her and Drago's own mother and bringing her world to be full of misery and lack of hope.

The story is coming soon...

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