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Title: The Rise of the Viper

Fandom: Multicrossover

Shipping: Harem

Character Information:

Name: Kenshin

Ability: Charka, healing factory, animal commutation.

Charka- Life energy made up of both Spiritual and Physical energies. When combined with certain hand signs, it can create special effects known as just; some are offensive, some defensive, and other categories. There are given basic Chakra natures, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, and Lighting. Kenshin has Lighting,Wind,and Fire.

Healing factor- He has a ability to heal faster then usual thanks to a experiment that was performed on at an young age.

Animal Communication- Kenshin has the ability to understand animals and communicate with them. However his bond and commutation is better with snakes.

Summary: Kenshin is a fourteen year old boy who recently Universal City with his father from Sound City in Japan. Now enrolled at Universal High school a popular school in the world. He meets new friends, faces drama,and romance. While using training his abilities to be a hero protecting the world from rising villans.

Cover: Not started

Status: Not started

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