Chapter 38 A Knight of the Empire

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Gabbes remembers the first time he met Wilbur Opal.

It had not been long into his career as a knight. He was a relatively fresh face and had the indignant arrogance that plagued many who first picked up the sword and shield of the Empire. He was eager to obtain glory and rise through the ranks. As the son of a baron on some nowhere territory of the outlands, he knew very well that he had a mountain to climb for recognition. So he set out to join the most prestigious legion in the Empire, the 102nd, led by princess Catalina Ulara Colton. And he failed miserably in his acceptance testing. But he did not falter. Next, he tried the 98th legion, led by Prince Charles Du Colton. He failed the testing once again, something having to do with almost dropping a boulder onto the prince's head. His last shot was the 16th legion, headed by the still young Prince James Colton. He was fresh off the mountains of Valoria, bringing with him another curious man no one in the Empire had ever heard of. When word got around that he came from a line of farmers, it was like the saddest jokes that he had ever witnessed. How could this commoner find such a prestigious position seemingly so easily?

Gabbes couldn't help but become bitter. But, he did manage to get into the legion. It wasn't exactly one of the most renowned, but he was still given plenty of opportunities to prove himself. And unfortunately for him, he was surrounded by so many amazing individuals. In the battle of Hindland, Aurelius shined as he single-handedly demolished a wall to allow troops to seize the fortifications. At the surprise attack at the gaps, Novia held an entire band of Asedian Mercenaries at a key outpost that would have devastated the legion if left unchecked. Lupurious the golden was at the front of every engagement, using his insane abilities to route entire armies on his own. Even Wilbur's wife, a noble from Hath, proved a brilliant mind for diplomacy. With so much talent, and so many noteworthy individuals, the 16th legion made a name for itself, lasting through the civil war as well. And while Gabbes felt honored to witness it all, the somber feeling of missed opportunities loomed over him. And the final straw was when he heard that Wilbur was going to retire back to his farm with his wife and son.

He asked him for one evening. "You have held a position many men would kill to have, Wilbur. and with your skills and your mind, you could hold it for a lifetime alongside our king. And now you throw it away?"

Wilbur seemed mildly amused, but he spoke honestly. "Not everything can be earned on battlefields, Gabbes. I've done my duty for my king, my Empire, and my people. But now I have a new responsibility. My children, and my wife. James shall do fine without me. Besides, the courts are no place to raise children, as James could attest to himself"

Gabbes was dumbfounded. "Without you? Do you honestly believe that life on some farm in the plains will bring more honor, than being advisory to one of the most powerful men in the world?"

"Yes," Wilbur shrugged. "There is no greater honor than protecting one's family."

Gabbes, for a long time, still could not bring himself to grasp what he meant. He served for three more years in the legion, but as peace slowly settled on the Empire once more, he found little use for his talents on the battlefield. And so, James suggested becoming a teacher, to help train the next generation. He thought it a little underwhelming considering his service, but the words that Wilbur last left with him still echo in his thoughts, about helping those who come next. Reluctantly, he agreed and was stationed at a training ground in the plains. And for years he was Sir Gabbes, the instructor. None of the talent that came by caught his eyes, most were likely to make boring careers either defending the borders or her merchants along the trade routes. But then, one day, a rather young man showed up at his school, with Celia and Wilbur. Their son, barely nine years old, wanted to be a knight.

"We would be honored if you would teach our son," Wilbur said, though the look on Celia's face was not very convincing. "He's a little scrawny, but I'm sure he will prove to be a bright edition."

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