Chapter 45 The Dragon Prince

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     Prince Tanit was quite intrigued by the appearance of this Prince Lyse from Thiria. He now sits in his private chambers, his concubines and mistresses around, either playing tunes or performing other such artistry. The more he is told the more he wishes to see him. He was still a relatively young prince compared to his siblings. In fact, his occupation of the Azure Bay and the slaying of a dragon is his first outing and showing as Prince. Nothing compared to his sibling, whose feats he would need lifetimes to match. And because of his age, he hasn't interacted much with the great Empire to their west. By the time he was born the apathetic dance the two great powers have delved into has already been established. Of course, he knows of their history, and the many battles his siblings and their knights have enacted. But all that seemed water under the bridge. There was peace for the first time in many many years. Peace is boring to Tanit. He needed excitement, something to do, something interesting. His father ordered him to look after this city, but with the Brotherhood of Ten constantly breathing down his neck and doing everything for him, the Bay practically runs itself. The arrival of this Prince Lyse is the most exciting thing he has done in quite some time. His sudden appearance, his demands, everything about this man. Tanit wanted to meet him, to see if he was what he had been waiting for all this time.

Tanit heard a knock on his door. He nodded to one of his concubines to open it, though it was mostly a wasted gesture. These women seemed attuned to his will and want, acting upon them without him saying a word. She was already headed to the door before he had even lifted his head to acknowledge it. The woman opened the door and bowed as brother Kulban stepped into the room, alone. He has never seen Kulban not accompanied by either his brethren or the many suitors wishing to marry the man. Though he was an older man, marrying anyone from the Brotherhood of Ten practically guaranteed social standings. This is why Kulban rarely leaves the Palace of Tears or the Sanctum where his brethren congregate. He has been somewhat resentful as of late, Tanit knows. Not of his, no, but of brother Amond. It is rare for one of their own to disappear from his duties for the time he has. While there was no explicit rule against such things, it was seen as a disrespectful act to commit. The whole purpose of their order is the protection and counsel for the children of the djinn Emperor. If not for Tanit's own apathy towards his absence, he would have been reprimanded harshly. But now things were different with the demands of this prince, and his recent actions, and suspicion shadows the allusive brother.

"The meeting is in only but an hour, Kulban," Tanit told him. "Why have you come to me now?"

"I merely come to voice some opinions for this coming trial, my lord," he said. "Has . . . Amond come to you already?"

"No, in fact," Tanit said. "This meeting will be pertaining to him?"

"I must warn you, my lord," Kulban said. "I've known Amond for many years. He has studied under some of the most respected brothers. But he is an opportunist at heart. So tell me, what shall you do if it turns out that this Prince Lyse in fact comes bearing truths? What shall we offer in return?"

"Are you prepared to hand over one of your brothers?" Tanit asked him.

Kulban remained silent for a moment. "No. No, my lord. Not even Amond. But his actions can not be overlooked."

"I see," Tanit sighed. "All will reveal itself in due time, Kulban. If Amond is guilty of the crimes outlined by Prince Lyse, we may have to turn him over. We can not harbor criminals, Kulban."

"I understand," he said. "Then, for my next words, please consider them. This will be the biggest diplomatic venture that Shi'Ased and the Empire of Thira have undertaken since the end of the Taziq Wars. I urge you to tread carefully, lest the will of the Emperor shall fall upon us."

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