Chapter 58 Trail of Ice Begins

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Bells tolled in the decrepit old town of Erusland, ringing the frigid air with a frenzy that captured the people's energy. Like ants scurrying to secure their nest, the many denizens, the people of Morenia, were given new hope thanks to Prince Edlund and his command over the earth. They will not die here in this frail shell of their former selves, waiting to become the prey of the Zethans that remains beyond those walls. Instead, they will live on and carry their mother's name for the sake of their ancestors and those whose lives have been taken these last few days. They will not allow their lives taken to be done so in vain.

"Take only the necessary," yelled Fjord as he ensured everyone was moving at once. "Leave all the nonessential. For the people of Morenia shall live on not in jewelry or precious stones but in our beating hearts. Take what is needed, leave what is wanted, for our journey shall be one for survival."

Njal and Thyra helped, making sure everyone was aware of the nature of their travel. Edlund, of course, made it wide enough for twenty people to walk side by side with little issue. Elena and Dagmyre will lead the front with the legion, while Edlund and Gray, along with most of the regiment, will take the rear and ensure everyone is safe. Cavalry protects the flanks once they reach the other side into the open field. As per Elena's suggestion, a small squad was to be assembled to act as decoys for the Zethans if they became away of their plans a little too soon. The people will be protected from all sides, and if all goes well, they shall see Bastillon in a few days. If Fate truly favored them, the Zethans would be oblivious to this until it was too late. But all knew this not to be so. A fight may be coming, and they were prepared for it. Even Njal and Thyra. Though they had no active role in protecting their people, they still took production. Njal took up his father's blade once more. It was with this blade that he accused the Thirians when he first arrived. Now he shall use it for its intended purpose. Thyra looked upon her overturned bed. Most of their belongings were already stuffed in sacs and ready to be thrown into carts. Now there were the two talismans that she had. One belonging to the slain fell, and the other confiscated from the Borean killed by the knight Gray, given to her to take care of. They entrusted her with so much power, which she only faintly wields per her bloodline.

Even the 103rd legion, Edlund's trusted soldiers who had stood by their commander through these harsh times, had begun dismantling their large camp and preparing for the long march to Bastillon. None could have anticipated the circumstances that had unfolded before them, yet almost all knew their duty. Prince Edlund recognized the people of Erusland, the Morenians, as proper citizens of the empire. And thus, as the collective sword and shield of the people, they were ready to lay down their lives in the protection of a people they once thought to be enemies. And if they were to be caught by the Zethans that loom over them even now, that promise may yet come to pass. Of course, few knew of the letter that Paladin Aurelius had sent to the prince, warning him of this seige well beforehand and the chance that he may arrive to aid them. But Edlund knew that to rely on the actions of others is a sign of the weak, not the bold. He must only rely upon himself to save everyone. And if things were to turn dire, he is willing to sacrifice even himself to ensure they survive.

Gray had different difficulties on his mind as he burst into Fjords forge in the middle of him gathering what blacksmithing supplies he may require on the trail. "Fjord, I need your help."

Fjord almost jumped out of his skin at his instructions. "What is it, boy? Shouldn't you be busy gathering your things?"

"Right, already packed; I need your help with this," he unsheathed his saber and showed him the runes along its edge. Fjord gave them a quick look over before shaking his head in confusion.

"Runes look alright," he whispered to himself. "What are you on about, boy?"

"Well, you know that I can turn water in its solid and gaseous states into its liquid state?" he said. "I think with a few more runes; I can also reverse that process, turning liquid water into those other two states. Imagine how even greater my fighting ability will be!"

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