Chapter 13 The Black Hand

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The Queen was now reaching their destination. As they traveled these large roads, fittingly constructed to carry the massive army that made the Queen's convoy, many other wagon trains joined them briefly before splintering off to whatever nearby cities or towns were in this area, which was of course, very few. This portion of the forest of silence, while untouched by whatever corrupting power lies within its heart, was all the most sacred and mysterious to the clans' people. The Wild Halls was indeed the birth of their nation, of course. The first seven kings crowned their first emperor, Bolurus Milinieas, and united the seven clans in Thiria. Ever since, the wild halls, where that decision had been made, has become the decided meeting place of the empire's sovereign over the past thousand years. And, on rare occasions, one among them may very well be chosen to be Emperor in the direst of situations. But of course, it has been five hundred years since then, and most couldn't see a new one being appointed anytime soon. But, then again, they didn't know what Queen Celia and few others knew. What indeed lurked in the darkness.

Massia stared off into the dwindling day, counting off the various other forms of birds or other large winged creatures that would curiously follow before abandoning their party. A deer or two makings. Way further from the trail only to be game for whatever Thirian wished for a nice meal. Novia was silent but not asleep. She was doing what was called meditation and no doubt spreading out her senses like most knights so that they may be alerted to things far in advance. Then there was her mother. She was reading the book that Novia provided her, not uttering the word while flipping through each page with ruthless intent. The silence was what was killing her, but not as much as Vermillia.

I remember war bands going to distant lands, she said. Of course, these are the most boring parts, and my brother would try to tell me battle plans and other boring chatter."

"I think we have that in common," she thought. "Though I think even my brother would be a welcomed addition to this drawl."

Even Edlund?

"Not quite that desperate."

Then why not ask your mother about her readings. Anything that keeps that woman's attention must be interesting.

"You might be right," Massia thought. "But she seems rather enthralled, wouldn't want to intrude where I'm unwanted."

Fine then, we shall sit in silence till our ride is over. I'm feeling quite tired after all.

Massia sighed, though she quickly realized that she did so audibly. Externally neither woman seemed to be so bothered, but she still felt her cheeks flushed as she leaned forward. "Are you getting anything from it, mother?"

"I believe we've met this man," she said, rubbing her chin. "Back in the day, when we were searching for pendants, we came upon this mage from Torlak who had come across one of them. So I didn't figure that we would leave that much of an impression. But what is also troubling is that he apparently came across another god."

"Gods?" Novia finally stirred.

"Our adversaries," Celia simplified. "He documented a particular encounter almost a month after meeting us. A woman of indistinguishable features visited his home. She made small chatter, but he felt as if his mind numbed. He knew the effects of magic, and this didn't seem close to anything he was aware of."

"How do you know it was one of these plithos specifically?" Novia asked.

Celia, for a time, seemed a bit uncomfortable before speaking, closing the book. "Various gods have various capabilities. One of them, Aphrodite, is extremely troublesome. She affects everyone. Her voice compels men to do her bidding, charm them against their will. She more than makes up for what she lacks in raw force in her mind games and trickery. Even your father fell victim to her before. If it wasn't for my pendent, who knows what may have occurred."

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