Chapter 48 Goddess of War

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They have long left behind the high ivory barriers that surrounded the great port city of Azure Bay. Bitterly so. At the very least this sentiment is best reflected in the temperament of Ryan. He came here to seek justice for what was done to the orphanage. Leaving this way, even with the promise of returning, felt like a failure. He contemplated, the night before, sneaking into the Palace of Tears and slitting Amond's throat. But Amond would be under high surveillance by the royal guard, a Brother of Ten, and he doubts he could get far before being caught. Besides if he actually did decide upon it, Lyse would read his mind and put a stop to it. Lyse's quiet endurance was infuriating at times. He seemed to just take the circumstances as they come, never acting on his own terms. That was what it seemed, but Ryan knew this was not the case. Lyse was far too clever for such ways of thinking. So why were they back in the desert empty-handed?

The Pegasus Vire seemed long bored of the drab scene. Sure there were plenty of creatures for it to stomp to death and devour, but the variety was too lacking. At least that was what Lyse was able to read from his humble steed's demeanor. Something else bothered him though. He knew these beasts minor in comparison to the true monsters that were to come. It bothered him ever since leaving the palace of tears, Amond's seeming resignation of these arrangements. That meant one of two things. Either he is nowhere near as stubborn as Lyse had pegged him to be, or his fate sorely lies upon another. The only authority a man like that would answer to was Talon and the gods. Which meant that there was a chance that they might in fact come in contact with one of these elements. Lyse glanced back at Ryan. He has improved using the god's abilities over the past week or so during their traversal. But is he ready? Lyse knows he himself wasn't, facing down Thanatos, nor was he when he first encountered Hephaestus. If Amond is confident that they shall meet their end by this threat, they must be extra careful then.

It was not too long before they came into view of the grey shroud that surrounded the Necropolis. Even from here, they could sense the numerous undead and spirits that haunted within, more powerful than those they faced on the Ashen Road. Ryan could feel his pendant begin to warm, the necromantic powers of Thanatos responding to its element. The lesser dead would not dare approach them; the more dangerous ones, however, would be enticed by the presence of living beings, no matter their apparent strength.

"I'm sorry, my friend," Lyse patted Vire's head. "As great a specimen as you are, I don't think your mighty kicks will do much against ghosts."

Vire seemed to begrudgingly agree. Animals have a natural apprehension for the undead and other spirits. And because they couldn't sense avra, it made it difficult for them to counter their paranormal threats. They couldn't be dragged back this time by their horses; Ryan and Lyse would have to traverse the rest of the way on foot.

"Be ready for a fight," Lyse told Ryan as he began to assemble his armor. This was the first time he's worn his Valorian armor since he left the mountains. It's platinum, and white segments were far too flashy for civilian attire, after all. However, its skinny and lightweight frame made it suitable for high temperatures. But that's not the only reason. The armor was bathed in the same blessed waters that enhanced the bodies and minds of all who stayed in Valoria. It made it a conduit of avra in all ways and amplified his abilities even further. He couldn't hold out on anything for this. He led them into the mist, his father's blade in hand aglow. Ryan held onto their compass to keep them on track, as there was no sky or any other definite direction in the mist, only the grey void that surrounded them. As they suspected, the lesser spirits, wayward souls brought back to the mortal realm by Amond's twisted magics, steer clear of the pair. However, they were not the only threats here, as they would soon find.

Ryan noticed something massive moving through the mist, displacing spirits like leaves on a wave. Ryan knew what it was. He wasn't sure exactly how, but he knew.

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