Chapter 9 Intertwined

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Lyse was starting to notice things longer he stayed in Antalya.

He has read about Antalya on his way here, reading logs from merchants, historical texts that reference the port, and cursory notes from empirical scouts. So here, he was not at all surprised to see an abundance of Hathans around, mingling with the natives who may have migrated from nearby smaller towns in the area. And although he has undoubtedly heard of the decrepit state that Antalya has fallen into during the reign of the bloody queen, it was still somehow startling to see the disrepair that the city was in, more so how nonchalant everyone treated the apparent decay. Crumbling buildings and paths were ignored and walked around; houses looked cobbled together, held only by mortar and good faith. Even the merchant area they traveled to sparsely used the buildings lining the streets but set up their permanent tent to protect their wares better. The lack of infrastructure was both fascinating and dreadful to bear witness. And yet, those who escort him now seemed to pay no mind, only caring to shove away pedestrians too slow to move out of the way of their entourage. And when his Pegasus descended towards him, one even aimed his gun at it. Not that he could hit it, Pegasi are creatures known for their incredible speed and agility, but Lyse knows for sure that Vire did not appreciate the act of aggression. Thankfully, once they showed an ounce of awe and amazement towards him, he showed some placation.

"Forgive my men, my lord," the commander said as she pushed them further away from the Pegasus as if they would dare to do anything else. "Sights of flying creatures over cities is quite the scare, and they are still shaken, you see, after this morning."

"You need not excuse them, I understand," Lyse stroked Vire along the side of his neck, but he still gave disapproving glares to the humans around him. "Vire can be a little rowdy as well."

"We have stables at the halls to house him," she told him. "If there is any special care that is needed, please let me know."

Vire snorted at the very notion of a stable for his noble form, which Lyse picked up on. "Vire will be fine roaming the hills and skies of Antalya. Just give orders that he is not to be fired upon. I'd hate to hear that some of your men have been killed."

"Certainly," she did not hesitate to comply, though some of her men passed glances. Lyse found this sure adherence a little uncomfortable. Even as a knight, he had never received this sort of reverence, especially not when he was in Valoria. Seeing someone throwing themselves at him was something he supposed he would only have to get used to, as this title he bears will haunt him for the rest of his life now.

"Anyhow," Lyse went on. "We shall talk more once we are in these halls of your?"

"They are the headquarters for more of our governmental duties," she said. "We may speak privately in our offices."

"I would prefer that, yes," he said. "I have heard of the smuggling operations in the city. As well as its underlords."

"Is that what you wish to speak on?" she asked-her voice, not as submissive as before but curious.

"Perhaps," he said. "It is a concern here, is it not? The amount of influence they have summoned in the past two decades is quite astounding. If we are to reform this city, they should be our first step, no?"

She seemed hesitant. Lyse even sensed an aura of unease around each of them. He suspects that something was not right, even among the town guard. Lyse's pendant grew a little hot the more he talked to this woman, the wisdom of Athena showering him temporarily. Still, he held it till they were actually in private, to discuss further the state of the city, its people, and the town guard themselves. But more importantly, any that these people know of Ryan Pesmenos. But idle chat would suffice for now. So he settled on conversating on other things, like roads in need of repairs, specific small bandits outside the city in need of capture, and so on. These subjects seemed to quell, at least somewhat, the uneasiness in everyone as they were problems a little further away from the underworld below them. But Lyse fully intends on investigating that underworld. He thought that he could come here, grab this Ryan Pesmenos and somehow convince him to leave with him. But now, he senses the dark fingers of Talin around this place as well. Something is terrible is going to happen to this place. Was it indeed Fate that two godslayers shall meet here?

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