Chapter 9~ The Titans and The Pilot

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((A/N: This chapter will be going back to the first book. Also the first chapter also.))

Ty and Sky were by my side. We helped Sky while you, the readers, while too busy reading chapter 8

(Ok chris Imma delete your ass if you dont stop talking to the readers. By the end of this story the 4th wall is gonna be broken.)

Anyways, we three stood on top of the wall, overlooking the city. It had five titans left. One for Mark, one for Yamimash, another for Bodil, the fourth for Bashur. The last one will be for all of us.

"Hey Chris you ok?" Ty's voice snapped me back to reality.

I looked at his face and smiled. It was clean with no scars or cuts. Nothing but a smile, eyes and a nose. The three of us leaped from the wall and out rod snapped into three different places near Mark's titan. My rod went directly for the titan. Ty's went to a roof and Sky's was stuck onto the ground. My body slammed into the titan's and I got the wind knocked out of me. I gasped for air and my vision was reduced to a pinhole.

"Keep him alive! Get rid of the titan!" Sky said as I went into the unconcious world.

I opened my eyes and saw the young Minx. At least two years ago. I remembered this. This was the first chapter in the first book.


Do it and all your hard ideas and work will go down the drain

(Well fuck you too bitch)

I blinked and I was back to the real world. My head was spinning but I had air to breath again. I was on the ground with Sky by my side.

"You ok? We need one more titan. We saved it just for you." He said standing up.

I stood and came to about his shoulders. We stared into each other's eyes until I fired my rods into a wall. I zoomed past a building and the titan came into view. My eyes focused onto the neck of the titan and I shot one of the two rods into it. The monster screamed as the pain registered.

"Shut up you disgusting freak." I said as I ran on the ground as the rod reeled my in.

Air zoomed past my face until I finally go to it. The final titan. My legs forced me to jump and my blades cut into the neck, instantly killing it. The blood got on my and started smoking off.

"That was disgusting..." I spoke lowly.

I threw the three dimensional maneuver gear onto the ground, breaking it. Gears flew everywhere and I got hit in the head, causing me to pass out. I blinked my eyes open and I saw I was in the house. In my corner with Ty next to me asleep. The sky outside was a dark purple with only the moon and stars illuminating it. I blinked and woke up outside. The memories from the beginning. I missed them.

I walked home alone. No one was near. They were all celebrating. I opened the door and saw everyone smiling, laughing and dancing with music playing.

"Congrats Chris!!" Everyone shouted.

I tiredly went upstairs to the bedroom and stain my corner. I played my music with my purple glowing headphones. Music played in them and I felt someone sit next to me. I put my head on their shoulder and opened my eyes to see it was Ty. Who else would take time to sit next to me so I'm not alone. I soon fell asleep. And the world started to fall.

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