Chapter 13~ The Follower

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My body was still in pain from the night before.

"Chris, come on. Wake up." Krism said gently, kneeling next to me.

My eyes opened and saw a girl. She was tall, had brown hair, and blue eyes. I stood up and rubbed my eyes at the sight of her. She walked up to me and looked me in the eyes. She didn;t say anything but one thing I could say from that is she is shy as fuck.

"Well. Hi there." I said at her.

She got startled and ran behind me.

"Wait..Why is she even here?" I asked freely.

"She's here cause we found her on the streets." Ty said.

I turned around and saw her crouched and her face buried into my sweatshirt.

"Woah there little girl." I responded, rubbing the back of my head.

She looked up at me.

"I'm not lil." She said in a cute, high pitched voice.

I shrugged and walked outside to stretch. All the things in the past week stuck with me. I twisted my back and the bones cracked. I felt relief and saw the girl was still behind me.

"You don't have to follow me everywhere." I sounded a little irritated.

She nodded and hugged me from behind. I felt a little spark and my face became red. Ok yea, I know. Oooooo. You're only doing this to get more people to follow you but no. I am not douchers.

(Chris...stay on task I don't have enough energy to deal with you today)

Yet you have enough energy to type all this shit with me and the girl you so desperately want.

(I will find a way to kill you. Soon)

I'm so scared oh no.

(Ok. I'm done. Fourth wall is about 80% damaged because of this book)


I stepped foreward a little and she followed close behind me, with her arms still wrapped around me.

"You wanna let go?" I asked her.

She shook her head and smiled at the fact that my face was still red.

"Well then...." I said under my breath.

Everywhere I went, she had to follow. No matter what I did. I went to the wall. She followed. I went to the top of the wall. Of course she had to follow.

"Why do you always have to follow me?" I asked her.

"Oh. Um. I-I don't know..." She said gently.

I looked out at the city with the wind blowing gently, causing her hair to flow. I smiled and stood on the edge, tiptoeing just to stay on. She seemed very worried and grabbed my hand to pull me in. She did so but fell on her own ass. I laughed so hard I snorted a little.

"You are such a dork." She said kiddingly.

"You never even told me your name little girl."

She looked at me worryingly with a finger over her mouth.

"Well?" I asked tilting my head.

She didn't respond. She did do something. She ran away. I was left on the top of the wall alone. Everyone at home wouldn't notice I was missing. Not for a while.

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