Chapter 23~Unexpected Changes

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I held the manipulator close and grabbed the three dimensional manuver gear. I fastened the buckle to keep it on and shot the harpoons into the wall.

"Keep counting. 10...9...." I said as I was launched towards the wall at full speed.

I landed on the wall a little early and started running to get to the point where the rods were. I retracted one and shot the other to the top of the stone wall and pulled back the harpoon below me. I pulled myself up again and stood at the top with the breeze pushing me forwards a little.

"5....4.....3.....2....1....One minute left." I tried to say as calm as I could.

I looked up and saw a strange moving object in the air. It was called an arrrplaine. Right? Well whatever it was I aimed up and held my breath. The two rods shot into the metalwork of the plane and jumped up as it started pulling me up. I got to the top and looked at the timer. It had 10 seconds left. I smiled and pulled out a group picture of me and the group. I counted down mentally and thought all happy thoughts at wind continued to force me back a little.

"9.....8....7....6...5...4...3..2...1....." I counted out aloud.

I got to 0 but nothing happened. I looked at the device and confetti shot out of it with it saying "April Fools" as a hologram.

"I'm tired of this shit. Fuck this shit I'm out." I said unbuckling myself.

30,000 feet above the Earth and above the city. I put the manipulator in my jacket and freefalled to my death until I saw a shadow come speeding towards me. It snatched me and landed on the land outside the wall.

"What were you thinking leaving me down here?" Ty asked.

"Ummm....uh..." I stumbled for words.

He pulled me in for a hug as tears built up in my eyes.

"Just watch your back. When that sun comes up, pranks will be everywhere in the house." Ty warned me.

I nodded and he shot out into the darkness in the direction.


I made my way home, tiredly.....

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