Episode 18

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Two days later:

Y/n's pov:

I woke up with the slanting rays of sun falling on my face through the glass window.

I slowly opened my eyes only to see the beautiful sun rise right in front of my eyes, through the window. Being at the top floor of this sky high building made the scene on the front even more beautiful.

I relaxed my back further in the couch and a trail of thoughts surrounded me.

It's been two days since I recieved that message from Jimin but I still couldn't reply him back.

I know I cannot stop talking to him like that but I'm doing what he asked me for. Giving him a week to enjoy with his girl. I guess in this meanwhile I can also understand that

what the fuck do I actually want!

Two days ago when I came back to the hotel room, I saw Taehyung already sleeping on one edge of the bed. I wanted to ask him about getting myself another room but he was already sleeping.

The next day was a whole bundle of pending work. Two days ago, even though Taehyung came back late but he was still not able to cover up the schedules properly. So we couldn't talk much the whole day busy working. He came back first to the hotel room and when I came back he was already sleeping. Looking at his sleeping figure, I just made my way to the couch and started analyzing all the pending files.

I guess, I was a bit too exhausted and that is why I slept here like this.

Oblivious to my surrounding, I was deep into my thoughts with my back on the couch almost being swallowed by the small red couch.

"You're up? ", a manly raspy morning voice intrueded my thoughts and I looked at the person standing at the bathroom door.

I blankly nodded my head with eyes a bit bigger than usual shocked by his sudden appearance.

Just then my eyes fell on my legs.

I was covered in a duvet, but as I remember I didn't get myself one. Did Taehyung?

"I woke last night to quench my thirst, just then my eyes fell on you. Why were you sleeping on the small couch? Did I make you uncomfortable, sharing the same bed as me?", he asked looking down nervously.

I immediately shook my head. "I was working on a few files and unknowingly feel asleep in the meanwhile."

He looked up at me and made an O face.

Nodding his head he made his way to the bed sitting at the edge.

"There are only two meetings for today right?", he asked and I nodded my head in agreement.

"And both of them will be over by 12 PM?", he asked and I again nodded.

Then he thought something for a while and then looked at me hesitantly.

"Then I guess we can freshen up our minds after that, by going to a park or restaurant. What do you say?", he said and looked at me for an answer.

Regret ✓|| Yandere Jeon Jungkook ft. Jimin and taehyung Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin