Episode 22

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The next day :

Y/n's pov:

"Do you want any changings y/n?"

"Huh? ", I was startled by Jungkook's sudden voice.

"Are you okay y/n? You seem spaced out. Is everything okay? Or do you not want to get engaged so early?", he asked looking concerned.

I held both of his hands in mine. "There is nothing like that Jungkook. I just couldn't sleep properly last night.", I lied and he smilingly nodded.

I am just worried about Taehyung. Last night he went out of the house in a hurry, without saying anything. Later he called me and said that he was not feeling good but I am still not satisfied by his answer.

"Then let's go to my room and see the engagement dresses, I got them placed there.", he said and grabbed my hand getting up from the floor.

I placed my mobile at the table and hesitantly followed him outside his living room.

His house is really big. Well calling it a house would be wrong, when it's literally a  castle.

Entering the house earlier, I made sure to remember the ways properly to save myself from any sort of embarrassment later. His living room was gigantic and extremely luxurious with the self centered heating system, the million dollar classic paintings hanging down the wall, the antique decorative vasses which spoke for themselves to be worth more than my life time salary and the leather couches which seemed to be made with pure leather, well of course they were.

The whole house is themed a bit dark, but it's classic and modern.

He said he wanted to discuss things regarding the engagement at his house and the engagement dresses we both mutually decided, also got ready. It's my first time here and I guess that is why it's hard for me to memorise the ways properly.

Taking my hand in his grip, he took me upstairs to his room. The stairs were wooden in texture and really wide.

By turning a few times, we finally reached front of a room.

He opened the door and gestured me to get in.

I hesitantly went inside and he followed me in there.


The voice of the door being locked diverted my attention towards it. My heart for some reason started beating fast and I started trembling a bit.

There was no need to lock the door, was there?

He already told me that there are no servants at home today and Namjoon is already out of country. Then who could've possibly interrupted us? Unless he.....

I hesitantly looked here and there for a while and then sit on the couch at the corner of the room.

Locking the door, he walked to the bed and sit on the edge. Looking at me, sitting on the couch far away, he patted his side of bed, gesturing me to sit besides him.

I felt all my body hair standing up. Sitting besides him on his bed, with the door locked, won't be a good choice but if I won't do as he say then things might get a bit too awkward.

Taking slow steps towards him, I sit besides him at a distance.

His eyes followed my every action and now they were on my eyes.

Taking a deep breath, he moved towards my side, lessning the distance between us. He held my one hand and kissed it's back.

Now my heart is definitely gonna explode.

Kissing my hand and caressing it with his thumb, he again looked at me and now his one hand was on my cheek caressing it.

Not getting anymore strength to look at him, I immediately looked down, blushing hard, my face was all red now.

I heard him chuckle and then again he lifted up my chin, to make me look at him.

"That is what I like about you.", he said caressing my cheek.

"Your shyness and your pureness that other girls lack.", he said and then held both of my hands in his.

"You know I am not Namjoon's real brother.", he said and I got shocked by his words.

They are not real brothers?

"I was nine years old when my mother ran away with an extremely rich bastard, richer than my dad. She was a character less woman.

My father then married to Namjoon's mother, who was a loyal and pure woman unlike my mom.

She raised us both together and equally loved us both, so that I may forget my nightmarish past, BUT I NEVER DID.

In my mind, I always had one image of woman and that was, that she is disloyal and greedy for money.

But meeting you I realized that not all woman are the same. They are all not greedy for money but there are some like you, extremely pure and innocent like a new blooming flower.", as he said a few tears left his eyes.

My eyes were also moist, knowing his biggest secret. It must be hard for him to tell this to me but he did. He opened his heart in front of me and gave me his biggest weakness.

Without wasting a moment, I pulled him into a hug and started caressing his back.

He cried a lot in my embrace and I whispered good things in his ears to calm him down.

He suddenly pulled from the hug and then looked at me with teary eyes. "You won't leave me like my mother right?" he asked with his moist eyes.

"I'll never leave you.", she said and passed him a smile.

He smiled back at her and they both stayed silent for a while just smiling at each other, making promises through their eyes.

Little did she know, that these promises will become her cage, the cage she might need to live in forever.

Regret ✓|| Yandere Jeon Jungkook ft. Jimin and taehyung Where stories live. Discover now