Episode 31

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Third person's pov:

Y/n was silently sitting on the passenger's seat whereas taehyung was driving the car with full speed towards his mansion.

He knew that jungkook would follow him, so he wanted to get away from his mansion as soon as possible.

He told y/n everything about Wonyoung, almost everything. And it was not too hard for her to believe as she already saw everything against jungkook.

She didn't knew how to react at the heart wrenching news and just went silent. No tears left her eyes, no sobs left her mouth, she was just silent, staring blankly at somewhere.

Taehyung knew that things would take some time to get back to normal, but he could wait as long as he would get y/n as a reward to this patience.

The ride was silent but they eventually reached his mansion.

He got out of the car and then went to the passenger's seat side to open the door for her.

With the opened door, he was waiting for her to come out of the car but she was just blankly staring at nowhere.

Taking a deep breath, he picked her up in bridal style carrying her inside. She didn't said a word still staring at somewhere with her head resting at his chest.

Opening the entrance door, he walked inside with her in his arms. He walked to his room directly and then placed her on his bed carefully.

He looked at her and then was about to walk to the door, when she suddenly held his hand.

He looked back at her with shock due to the abrupt action. She lifted her head and finally looked at him with her teary eyes.

She closed her eyes and the tears which were earlier in her eyes, started falling down her cheeks.

He sat besides her and wiped them off her face using his hands.

"Why did he do this to her?", she asked looking at him with tear filled eyes.

"And why did he do this to me?", her voice cracked a bit at the end with the severe glum and pain she was facing at the moment.

"She was my only family and he snatched her away from me. He hurt her first and then killed her. Why?", she asked sobbing loudly this time. He immediately hugged her caressing her hair softly to calm her down.

"I will never forgive him taehyung!", she shouted her lungs out in his embrace.

He held her tight in a hug, still caressing her hair. He was indeed worried for y/n and didn't want to see her in pain but telling her the truth was important for him. Because only that way he could get her.

She cried out loud for long and he held her in his embrace.

Putting her back on the bed and tugging a duvet over her exhausted sleeping figure, he walked out of the room. Making his way to his office.

Reaching his office, he made some crucial calls to add more security to his place and including many other affairs which were important to be dealt with at the present.

Making all the crucial calls, he went to the couch and sit on it resting his back on it, closing his eyes.

He was worried about many things but the most important one was y/n right now.

He told her about what jungkook did to Wonyoung but he didn't tell what part he played on it.

How he gave Wonyoung's number to jungkook in the college and helped jungkook in getting near to Wonyoung as she was her classmate.

Not only that, he also gave y/n's information to jungkook and that too she doesn't know about. What if jungkook tells her? Then he may lose her.

He can't let it happen, neither will he ever let.

At Jungkook's place:

Namjoon entered the mansion and found all the house decorations being cleaned.

He was a bit late but the ceremony shouldn't be ending this soon.

Getting suspicious of the situation he went directly to jungkook's room.

Opening his room's door he found his room a complete mess. Everything was on the ground broken and scattered, and in the middle there was him. With a bottle of alcohol in his one hand and head hanging down, sitting on the cold floor.

Leaving his luggage at the entrance, he ran inside the room to his brother.

"Jungkook!", he called his name in a panic.

Jungkook lifted his head a bit to look at Namjoon's worried face.

"She left me Hyung.", he said with his teary eyes.

"What happened jungkook?", Namjoon asked in a panic.

"Y/n left me Hyung.", he said in crying.

"But why?", he asked being shocked at his statement.

"She knows about my past Hyung. But you know I-I've changed Hyung. Please ask her to come back to me. I can't live without her Hyung.", he said and cried out loud.

Namjoon was worried looking at the broken state of his brother.

He hugged him and patted his back to comfort him. Not everything but he knew that jungkook had done some wrong things in his past and he could understand y/n's feelings too. So he didn't say anything, as it's up-to y/n to choose him and he can't help his brother in anyway.

The next day:

Y/n's pov:

I woke up with a heavy head, laying on the bed. I got confused by the unfamiliar surroundings at first but then got a bit relieved as I recalled everything that happened yesterday.

The more I think the more my head hurts. It's been a few days that everything in my life turned upside down.

The one I believed turned out to be my sister's murderer. The one I  considered my friend turned out to be a selfish lover.

The only person I need the most in this time is nowhere in contact with me. Jimin.

That devil jungkook, took my phone and never gave it back to me making lame excuses. He must've done it on purpose to cut out my contact with the outside world.

I got off the bed and went to the bathroom. Splashing water over my face multiple times, I got back to my senses a bit.

What would she must've felt when she saw him that day with namjoon and how much scared she would've been were the only things surrounding my head. And there I was all unaware of her pain.

Namjoon must've not known about all of this but does it even matter now? He brutally killed her by coming back to her life. He already made her go through the most painful time and then when she was finally about to be happy again, he again ruined it.

What you did Jeon jungkook is unforgivable! You're gonna pay for it real soon now and I'll make sure of it.

Regret ✓|| Yandere Jeon Jungkook ft. Jimin and taehyung Where stories live. Discover now