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The next day...

Your POV

The sun above me burned my flesh, my legs sore from how fast I had been riding my bike to town.

I finally reached the towns park, the cafe a block away. "Hopefully these guys didn't ditch me, otherwise the next time Tim opens my mail box he'll have a face full of bees." I huffed, finally the cafe came into view.

I recognized the mail car, or whatever you want to call it. Coming to a stop, I parked the bike underneath the nearby tree that was planted infront of the cafe.

Stepping off, my legs felt like jello.

Even though I was tired, I could taste the lemonade on my tongue as I opened the cafes door and walked in to meet a cold slap of a air conditioned breeze.

My eyes scanned the tables, soon met with Tim's eyes. A smile came to my lips, feeling relieved.

"Hey." I waived, standing at the front of the table as I observed Tim and his friend. He had Brown eyes, blonde hair and a plain grey T-shirt on.
He looked up to me with a welcoming smile, hopefully this meeting would end with me getting a grip on my situation.

Tim scooted over and allowed me to sit down, he then grabbed a lemonade that sat in the middle of the table and handed it to me. Yeah sure I was dumb for meeting up with two random people just to figure out if I have something paranormal haunting me, but excepting a drink that was already ordered for me before I had arrived would be very stupid of me to except.

So I grabbed the drink and held it in my hands, my throat urged me to take a drink.

And I did, it didn't taste or look played with, so I figured these guys were worthy of my trust.

"So, Y/n, This is the guy I was talking about." Tim started up the conversation, gesturing over at the man who seemed to be in his early twenties. "Hi, I'm Brian." The man chuckled, he seemed like a out going and kind person. His smile revealed his gapped tooth, adding more to his cheery vibe.

"Nice to meet you." I smiled back, reaching my hand above the table and shook his hand.

It was firm, warm.

Tim began to go on about the unusual phenomenons that have been appearing in the nearby woods, that meant near my house. Apparently there was this creature, he didn't seem comfortable about talking about it or even saying it's name.

"Recent murders have been connected to it as well, so this creature is capable of doing harm."

This caught my attention.

"Really?" I spoke, catching my breath.

"I'm not certain..." He paused, looking over at Brian. "The police haven't released it to the public, but, I have seen it in action." This sent chills down my spine, either this 'Brian' guy was crazy otherwise he had seen some traumatic stuff.

"It feeds off of fear." Brian whispered, a blank face masked his once welcoming expression.

My leg stopped it's bouncing, my eyes trailed out to the window that we sat next to. Across the street, a man in a white hoodie was leaned up against the tree my bike was parked under.


He looked up, most likely feeling the sensation of being watched. We locked eyes for a split second, before Brian's words brought me out of thought once more.

"Y/n, don't speak of the creature to anyone, it will just put more into danger. We don't want that, do we?" Brian's whisper turned to a threatening smile, this guy meant business.

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