// Mortality in Me and You //

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Hey 👱


November 5th

Your POV

"Hmm..Jeff?" I mumbled, sitting up in the bed as I watched the man slide on his sweatshirt getting ready for "work". I rubbed my eyes with my knuckles, trying to knock the sleep out of them so I could see correctly.

I usually never woke up so early, but I was interupted from my slumber due to Jeff knocking over the desk chair on accident.

"Huh?" He asked, looking up as he reached over and grabbed his belt that was slung across the nightstand. "Why does everyone here call me a mortal? Like, I know what mortality is...but it's not like they're immortal." I yawned, my tired mind revealed many of my questions as my eyes layed outside of the window. It was still dark out, no light.

"Uh..." He paused, pulling his shirt down and covered his belt. I watched his Adams apple bob up and down, sober Jeff gets nervous easily.

"I will just say, we all live for as long as he wants us to." Jeff spoke, turning his back on me as he swiped his knife out of the dirty laundry and headed to the bedroom door, trying to ignore my questions that would most likely lead to an unwanted conversation.

"Wait! So...you guys are immortal?!" I rose my eyebrow, my mind tried connecting the dots.

"Sure." Jeff muttered, turning back around and to the door.

How old was he?

"Jeff, what year were you born in?" I asked, he paused once more. Not looking back, I had hit a button. I pulled the blanket up a little more at the sudden breeze, the sun was no where found in the sky.

Thoughts lingered in my mind, others drowned out from the vodka and pot.

"1995, cold summer." He spoke quietly, he knew this would make me nervous. "He was born in 1993." I didn't know who he was, maybe someone he was related to or in his childhood?

"B-but," I was confused, he looked like a teenager...not a thirty something year old.

"Immortality, you don't change...yeah sure, mentally but physically, no. I've been like this for ten years Y/n, once that slender fucker decides he doesn't want me or us..." He turned to face me, snapping his fingers. "we're dead, gone." He chuckled, hiding something under his eyes.


I kept my blank stare on the smiling man...it seemed at this knowledge my obsession for him only grew.

"Don't start worrying about age, Y/n, that shit don't matter here and while I have you, you'll learn to love me... And aslong as you can bring a bitch down and get payed, that's all that matters in this new life. Well, since your a proxy you probably have more shit to deal with than me but eh." Jeff shrugged his shoulders, and with a sigh he swung the door open and walked out with a slam.

I sat there in the mattress, my legs crossed as my foggy mind took in all of the information.

Jeffery, Alan? Woods, born in 1995 during late spring and early summer.

The police would most likely know of him just by the mention of "Carved smile." That was if I was to escape, and maybe I could with Sally's plan. I didn't feel very head on with it, maybe it was a trap...but that child seemed so sincere.

Sally wouldn't lie, She couldn't...

"What the fuck am I going to do." I whispered to myself, falling back against the mattress and let the warmth consume myself. My family was gone, most likely passed. Who would I go home to? An aunt that lives in another state? Hell no.

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