//Red teeth//

561 14 7

Your POV

The old house came into view, it was placed in between green and brown trees while a broken down metal gate surrounded it.

Or atleast tried to.

"Come on!" B/f/n whisper, yelled, leading me over to a bush where they hid they're bike. I pulled over besides them, Parking my ride in-between the green vines.

"You got your pocket knife? I got mine." B/f/n smirked, they were really fascinated with this guy. And stabbing things.

I pulled out mine, the handle matched they'res just like the friendship necklaces we still had from kindergarten. We even went to the extents of cutting open our palms and having a hand shake, yeah, we were those best friends.


We walked across the worn down road and entered the tall grass, our hands stuck to one anothers for comfort.

B/f/n spotted a window, so our legs took us to the entrance and lifted ourselves into the house.

Glass broke under our feet, making us pick up our pace while still taking our time to look over the walls that were filled with graffiti.

One large symbol caught my eye, a circle and to lines ran through it. A tingle went down my scalp and to my spine, this symbol made me smile.

"Y/n! Stop admiring art for one moment in your life and look at real art!" They whispered, I looked back at them to see them displaying they're body.
"Whatever." I let out a airy chuckle, my pocket knife began to slip out of my palm for how humid it was in the small structure.

We continued to more rooms, stopping on the first level when we found a bedroom.

Two old mattresses layed in opposite corners, a cardboard box in the middle used as a coffee table. Many camera pieces were scattered around, a closed laptop sat in the middle of the cardboard box.

"See! The guys here, maybe with his smokin hot girlfriend." B/f/n cooed, nudging my side. "So wish that was me, having a hot ass serial killer guy while I'm his side chick/boy." They gushed, they always knew how to make me laugh.

Untill it was my turn to live they're dreams.

"Bro, he really need to clean his clothes." They recoiled they're hand back to they're side, dropping the pair of boxers. "Don't touch his shit, man might have STDs." I muttered, looking over the camera utensils.

Luckily he didn't have to hear the other shit we said.

Brian/hoodies POV

Toby followed behind me, the tall grass finally died down once we entered the back of the safe house.

Two voices made themselves known above us, bringing a smile to Toby's face.

But I recognized the voice, the girl.


I put my hand out behind myself, signaling Toby to shut the hell up. We listened to the voices, one unfamiliar, it was Y/n's friend.

"I bet he has this body pillow that he named Tarrissa and is like some dirty fuck." The friend spoke, from one night of stalking this kid I already knew they had something going on in the noggen.

But they were still pretty funny.

"Do you have a body pillow?" Toby whispered behind me.

"No!" I hissed under my breath.

"B/f/n, look at this." Y/n spoke, she probably found one of the papers or even a camera a surten someone left out. Toby.

The floor boards creaked above us, silence filled the house.

"Those are the same ones I woke up to last week! Same words and everything!" Y/n exclaimed, I could already imagine they're shocked expression. Although these teens were four years younger than me, they acted like five year olds discovering a new kind of bug to add to they're bug collection.

We made our way to the staircase, slowly tip toeing up as our boots made little creaks in the old wood.

I picked up a old plank of wood that rested against the wall once we reached the top step, Toby held one of his hatchet in his left hand.
Although one of these Intruders where our own, who said we couldn't have a little fun?

Masky's only missing out.

"Sh, listen." Y/n whispered, finally, her sixth sense kicked in. "The hell do you hear?" The other whispered, they couldn't hear us even with a hearing aid. "He's here." This brought pride to my chest, a smile grew below my mask as I new I was feared.

"The bees...b/f/n, my head I can't." Y/n began to trail off, the footsteps sounded as if b/f/n went to they're aid while helping them out of my room and to a new one to find a hiding place.

He was watching, we had to put on a good show.

"Hide and seek I see? I just love when they think they can run from our blades, don't you? Hoods?" Toby chirped, his voice dripped of sadistic urges.
We became side to side now, like two brother lions stalking zebras that got left behind by they're hurd.

"Yeah, I do."

I could practically smell the fear in the air.

"Stay behind me, B/f/n, stay calm." Y/n whispered from they're hiding place, it amused me that they thought they could hide.

Your POV

B/f/n kneeled behind me as we hid underneath the old desk in the bare room.

I clutched my pocket knife as if it was my life line, the handle began to slip in my palm due to the amount of sweat that was abrupting from my scared flesh. My heart pounded, the bees in my head screamed.

Shadows ran past the doorway that led to the hallway, taunting me about our deaths.

"C-come on you two, we don't like to keep our prey waiting for they're surprises!" A teenage boys voice called out, something was wrong with it. A pop came after the call out to us, as if you were to pop your knuckles.

The floorboards creaked as b/f/n repositioned themselves behind me, making me wince at the sudden noise. "Shit!" They whispered, pressing they're palm on my back.

A musty scent made its way to my nose, my body had began to take in the surroundings itself would be bleeding out in just a few moments. But something changed, I felt a bult of adrenaline run through My veins.


Echoed throughout my mind, making me clench my jaw as I was now determined to carry out those actions.

A smile formed on my lips, I felt blood trinkle down my nose and into my mouth that displayed my white teeth.

Soon to be red.

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