// Home isn't a Thing Anymore //

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Ten Hours Later


I had been awake for only five minutes, and I was already on full alert. The remote rested in my sweaty palm as I watched T.V, the show was something that would usually consume me in interest but that night I was to paranoid to have fun.

The house was quiet, Grandma had not returned home yet and mom was gone.

Had she killed herself?

Had grandma ran away from her problems like her younger self?

I gripped the remote in my hands as I sat on the couch in the living room, all of the lights downstairs and up stairs were on to look as if a whole family was home.

When really it was just me, maybe just a rotting corpse taking my place.

I switched onto the news, seeing if there was anything I should be worried about.

"Two of the five missing teens have been relocated, they will not speak and are under questioning.
Severe bruising and wounds have been located on their bodies displaying abuse, human meat and other tissue have been found in their digestive system showing forced cannibalism. Ania Santiago has not spoken since she was found, sitting on the steps of her house. Sidney Thomas was found sitting in his bedroom, found by his father. His father, Frank Thomas was hit from the boy as the teen found the father as a threat.

"Neither have spoken of their whereabouts, phycologist, Dr. Jessica Heartman says that the teens were most likely brainwashed by their captor or even captors. A symbol, a circle and two diagonal lines were found on their bodies. For Ania, on her chest and for Sidney on his upper back. These are not tattoos or scars, doctors say that their skin has taken a surten color and formed the specific symbol on its own.

"Isaac Sanchez, Y/n L/n and Miguel Gomez are still missing. Detectives suspect these teens to be deceased, for how long they have been missing detectives are losing hope. We hope to find more information on these teens and their whereabouts soon, but for now we only have two unspeaking teens.

"Thank you, Barbra, but I would like to add to this report."

"Oh? What would that be?"

"That your breath stinks from here."

"Oh cut it out, what is it?"

"Okay, *cough*, Scientists believe these missing persons to be alive and well. From the treatment of the relocated teens, they were beaten violently but it still would take more to kill them. Detectives as well, suspect for these missing kids to still be alive.
The captors want something from them, us even but that is still something we have to find out.

"Hm, that it's very in-"

"Just in! About Seven minutes ago, Sidney Thomas had beaten his officer so bad he killed the man.
He is being held in confinement, but this violent behavior was suspected right? Other murders were committed tonight, by the towns well known 'smiley killer'!

"Oh Tom! What a shame."

"Correct Barbara, may God bless you all who are watching."


The remote fell from my hands and onto the floor, my body felt cold.

He was still out there.

He could still get me.

The whiskey glass in my hands felt heavier, the strong tase made my tongue numb as the smoke from my cigarette burned my lungs and seeped out of my nose.

"What was I thinking?" I chuckled, looking down at my hands. The house was bright, but my mood was no where near bright. "How could I be so foolish?!" I laughed, leaning forward as I felt more chuckled escape my throat.

"Oh my fucking God, how? How was I supposed to escape!" My tears ran into my mouth as my laughter took all of my breaths, in this stage of grief, this is when denial and self hatred come in.

"T-they, hurt me! I can still feels his hands on me..." My mouth hung open as choked sobs escaped my mouth, the whiskey bottle slipped out of my hand and spilt onto the carpet.

I let it sit.

"Oh God! They were my friends! Tim, Brian, oh my God..." I whimpered, my cigarette was fat beyond done and now was on the carpet, burning a hole into a f/c fur. My hands were cuffed over my mouth, I felt cold, but warm.

Female rage comes in Manny emotions, it's disgusting, disturbing and the most violent emotion a woman or even man can see.

I quickly reached down and gripped the bear bottle, raising it above my head and chucked it at the far wall. "AUGH!" I growled, clenching down on my jaw with such force it felt as if my bottom teeth would shatter.

My face was snarled, fists clenched as tears of sadness boiled to anger.

I was becoming like her, I was becoming the woman I hated but loved so, so, so much. My hair was frizzy with excitement, my nose was wrinkled like disturbed wax. My lower lip displayed my teeth, like a wolf or lone dog would do.

Short, rigid breaths escaped my mouth. My mind was racing to fast for me to even think, my lungs burned of unreleased smoke.

"Heh," I scoffed, taking a step backwards and slowly sat back down onto the couch. I bit down on my lower lip, the screen of the television that once played the News was now shatter, broken pieces of glass and rum dripped off of the electronic.

Silence, Silence made its way.


"What's the point anymore?" I asked myself.


"I'm not normal, I never will be because of them."


"What life do I have to live, when I don't even have a soul?" I mumbled, slumping back into the couch once more.

"This is the moment, when you realize something inside of you is broken and can never be fixed." A distant but familiar voice spoke, almost directly in my mind. Their voice was the one I would hear laughing with me on the bus, the one who drew and made derpy pictures with. 

The one who died.

"But don't let that stop you, us, because we will survive this. We will fight back and take control, we. Are. Strong." The voice repeated, I furrowed my eyebrows.

Who was we?

"I can't tell you yet, but you will find out...when you do, it will make so much more sense. I love you,
N/n." The voice grew distant once more, and then I felt alone.

Like there never was anyone else in the house with me, like I was the only person left in the world of terrors.

I hugged myself, suddenly feeling cold.

And alone, like I did in that mansion.

The world was silent, and so was the love and warmth that was an allusion in my home many years ago.

Just as my cousiosness was on the verge of jumping off of the cliff of awakeness, I heard a faint whisper in my mind, so close to my asleep and vulnerable body;


" who is she who leaves...Return to me. "


My heart pace quickened, my neck burned and so did my mind. Something in my nerves told me to stand up and run out the door, down the street and pass the many houses to the gate that led to the large park.

To run down that cement path, and through the brick entrance to the dirty trails coated with bits of blood. To climb the tall brick wall to keep the monsters out of the human world, and to keep the humans out of the hell the monsters live in. To run besides the others who waited for their fellow proxy to return, To serve the creature who held my fate of life in his slender and cold palm.


One and a half chapters left hehe

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